Altabax (Retapamulin) - Complete Drug Information

Altabax (Retapamulin) is a bacteriostatic medicine that inhibits bacterial biosynthesis. It is used in the treatment of impetigo due to Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible isolates only) or Streptococcus pyogenes in adults and pediatric patients 9 months and older.

Altabax (Retapamulin) dose in Adults

Altabax (Retapamulin) dose in the treatment of Impetigo:

  • A thin layer is applied to the affected area twice daily for 5 days
  • The total treatment area should not exceed 100 cm² total body surface area.

Altabax (Retapamulin) dose in Children

Altabax (Retapamulin) dose in the treatment of Impetigo:

  •  Total treatment area should not exceed 2% of total body surface area or 100 cm² total body surface area, whatever is less.
  • Infants 1 to <9 months:

    • It is applied to lesions twice daily for 5 days
  • Infants ≥9 months, Children, and Adolescents:

    • it is applied to the affected area (lesions) twice daily for 5 days

Pregnancy Risk Factor B

  • Animal reproductive studies have not revealed any negative effects. Considering Breast-Feeding

Altabax (Retapamulin) use during breastfeeding:

  • Retapamulin may or may not be excreted in breast milk.
  • Retapamulin should not be administered to breastfeeding mothers, according to the manufacturer.

Altabax (Retapamulin) dose in renal disease:

  • The labelling provided by the manufacturer does not mention dosage modifications.
  • However, due to limited systemic absorption, dosage modification is improbable.

Altabax (Retapamulin) dose in liver disease:

  • The labelling provided by the manufacturer does not mention dosage modifications.
  • However, due to limited systemic absorption, dosage modification is improbable.

Less Common Side Effects of Altabax (Retapamulin) Include:

  • Central nervous system:

    • Headache
  • Dermatologic:

    • Eczema
  • Gastrointestinal:

  • Local:

    • Application site irritation
    • Application site pruritus
  • Respiratory:

    • Nasopharyngitis

Contraindication to (Altabax) Retapamulin Include:

Warnings and precautions

  • Skin irritation:


    • The manufacturer's labeling does not contain any contraindications.
    • If you experience severe skin irritation or sensitization, please stop using the ointment.
  • Superinfection

    • Long-term use can lead to fungal and bacterial superinfections, such as C. difficile-associated diarrhea(CDAD) or pseudomembranous collitis.

Retapamulin: Drug Interaction

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Strong)

Retapamulin serum levels might rise. Management: Patients under the age of two should not take this combination. Other populations don't need to take any action.

How to administer Altabax (Retapamulin)?

  • It is for external use only;
  • The intranasal, intravaginal, ophthalmic, oral, or mucosal application should be avoided.
  • The treatment area may be covered with sterile bandage or gauze dressing if needed.
  • Wash hands after application if the hands are not the area for treatment.

Mechanism of action of (Altabax) Retapamulin:

  • It is primarily bacteriostatic.
  • It blocks normal bacterial protein biosynthesis through binding to a specific site (protein L3) of the ribosomal subunit 50S
  • It inhibits peptidyl transfer at this site and prevents active 50S subunits from being formed


  • Topical:
  • It is low
  • It is increased when applied to abraded skin
  • It is age-dependent
  • Its absorption highest in younger patients
  • Children ≥ 2 years, Adolescents, and Adults:
    • Usually, it is low
    • It is increased when applied to abraded skin

Protein binding:

  • Almost 94%


  • Mainly Hepatic via CYP 3A4; extensively metabolized by mono-oxygenation and di-oxygenation to multiple metabolites

International Brands of Retapamulin:

  • Altabax
  • Altargo
  • Retabact
  • Retalgo

Retapamulin Brands in Pakistan:

No Brands Available in Pakistan.