Disclaimer Notice:

Dear Readers! I started this blog when my daughter was in the NICU. She had ventriculitis. Her CSF report grew E.coli. But, she was injected Teicoplanin directly into her brain. The doctors made two errors here:

  1. Teicoplanin is for gram-positive bacteria only. It does not treat E.coli.
  2. Teicoplanin is not for intraventricular use. The manufacturer strongly discourage injecting Teicoplanin into the brain.

My daughter bled into the brain. She lived for another two years and ultimately died.

The information provided on Emedz.net is for doctors and pharmacists only to manage their patients in the best way and avoid medications-related errors.

Still, for the general population, this should not be considered professional medical advice or a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare provider. The content on this blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, medication, or any other aspect of your healthcare. We strongly discourage self-medication and self-treatment.

Even though the primary author of emedz.net is an experienced health professional, the blog is not intended to replace medical advice sought at the Doctor’s Clinic.

The authors share personal experiences, research findings, and general knowledge about health and wellness and medications-related topics.

However, individual health situations vary, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but medical knowledge is constantly evolving. Therefore, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information presented in this blog.

Emedz.net is not an online pharmacy:

Online pharmacies sell medicines and pharmaceutical products. EMEDZ.net is intended to provide drug-related information to pharmacists and physicians. It is intended to provide authentic information about medicines so as to prevent errors related to prescriptions.

We do not sell medicines, so please don’t ask for them.

We are not affiliated with any pharmaceutical companies:

Emedz.net has no affiliation with any pharmaceutical companies. We do not promote any product. Sometimes brand names are also mentioned in the title of the page, but that is what is called a “Featured Image”. It has nothing to do with selling or promoting that brand. Just to make things easier, generic and brands are mentioned in the blog.

Emedz.net may contain links to external websites or resources for your convenience. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the content of these external sites.

In no event shall Emedz.net, its authors, contributors, or any related parties be liable for any damages or consequences arising from the use of the information provided on this blog.

By using Emedz.net, you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer and our Terms of Use. If you do not agree with this disclaimer or our Terms of Use, we advise you to refrain from using our website.

Remember, your health is a valuable asset, and decisions about your health should always be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.