Ervebo (Ebola Zaire Live Vaccine) - Dose, Side effects, Efficacy

Ervebo (Ebola Zaire vaccine) is a live vaccine that is used in the prevention of disease caused Ebola Zaire virus.

Indications of Ervebo (Ebola Zaire vaccine):

  • Zaire ebolavirus prevention:

    • It is effective in immunization against disease caused by Zaire ebolavirus in adults.
  • Limitations of use:
    • Duration of protection and efficacy of the vaccine, when given in combination with antiviral medication, immune globulin, and/or blood or plasma transfusions, is unknown.
    • Protection against other species of Ebolavirus or Marburgvirus cannot be provided.
    • ERVEBO® is a vaccine indicated for the prevention of disease caused by Zaire ebolavirus in patients 18 years of age and older.

Ebola Zaire vaccine dose in adults:

Ervebo Dosage And Administration

For Intramuscular Administration Only.

  • Dosage

    • Administer 1 ml dose of ERVEBO.

Ervebo (Ebola Zaire vaccine) dose in children:

The safety and effectiveness of ERVEBO in individuals younger than 18 years of age have not been established.

Pregnancy Risk Summary

  • All pregnancies can lead to adverse outcomes, including birth defects or pregnancy loss.
  • The background risk of miscarriage and major birth defects in the U.S. population is between 2% and 4%, and 15% to 20% for those with clinically diagnosed pregnancies.
  • The data on ERVEBO in pregnancy are not available and have not been well controlled.
  • The human data from clinical trials using ERVEBO are not sufficient to confirm the existence or absence of vaccine-associated pregnancy risk.
  • The woman's potential exposure to Zaire ebolavirus will determine whether or not she is vaccinated during pregnancy.
  • A developmental toxicity study of female rats was done by administering a single dose of ERVEBO to four times.
  • This included three times before mating, one during pregnancy and one during lactation.

Ebola Zaire vaccine use During Breast-Feeding

  • It is not known if the vaccine virus could be transmitted from mother to fetus/neonate.

Dose in Renal Disease:

No Adjustments required.

Dose in Liver Disease:

No adjustments required.

Common Side Effects of Ervebo (Ebola Zaire vaccine):

  • Hematologic & oncologic:

    • Lymphocytopenia
    • Neutropenia
  • Local:

    • Pain at the injection site
    • Swelling at the injection site
    • Erythema at the injection site
    • Arthralgia
    • Arthritis

Rare Side Effects of Ebola Zaire vaccine:

  • Dermatologic:

    • Skin rash
    • Vesicular eruption
  • Neuromuscular & skeletal:

    • Chills
    • Paresthesia

Contraindications to Ervebo (Ebola Zaire vaccine):

  • Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) to any vaccine component, including rice protein.
  • Patients who have had a history of severe allergic reactions (e.g. Anaphylaxis to any vaccine component, including rice protein, should be avoided

Warning and Precautions

  • Acute Allergic Reactions Management

    • Two cases of anaphylaxis were reported in 15,399 people who had been vaccinated with ERVEBO.
    • After vaccination with ERVEBO, it is important to monitor hypersensitivity reactions for signs and symptoms.
    • If there is an anaphylactic reaction to ERVEBO administration, it is important that appropriate medical supervision and treatment are available.
  • Limitations in Vaccine Effectiveness

    • Vaccination with ERVEBO is not a universal method of protecting all individuals.
    • To prevent Zaire ebolavirus transmission and infection, vaccinated individuals must continue to follow infection control protocols.
  • Immunocompromised Individuals

    • The safety and efficacy of ERVEBO in immunocompromised patients has not been evaluated.
    • In immuno-compromised patients, ERVEBO may not be as effective.
    • The risk of vaccination with ERVEBO (a live virus vaccine) in immuno-compromised patients should be weighed against Zaire ebolavirus disease.
  • Transmission

    • RT-PCR has detected Vaccine Virus RNA in the blood, saliva and urine of vaccinated adults.
    • Transmission of vaccine virus can be theoretically possible.

Ebola Zaire vaccine (live): Drug Interaction

Note: Drug Interaction Categories:

  • Risk Factor C: Monitor When Using Combination
  • Risk Factor D: Consider Treatment Modification
  • Risk Factor X: Avoid Concomitant Use

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy).

Vaccines (Live) Can reduce the therapeutic effects of other Vaccines (Live). Management: If two or more live vaccines are administered nasally or injectably on the same day, they should be separated for at least 28 days (ie. 4 weeks). The second vaccine should be administered at least four weeks later. Exceptions: Adenovirus (Types 4, 7) Vaccine; Cholera Vaccine; Rotavirus Vaccine.

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modifications)

AxicabtageneCiloleucel May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines (Live). In particular, there may be an increase in the risk of infection. AxicabtageneCiloleucel may diminish the therapeutic effect of Vaccines (Live). Management: Avoid live virus vaccines for at least 6 weeks prior to initiation of lymphodepleting therapy, during axicabtageneciloleucel infusion, and after treatment until full immune recovery is achieved.
AzaTHIOprine May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines (Live). AzaTHIOprine can decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Management: A low-dose azathioprine dose (3 mg/kg/day) is considered not sufficiently immunosuppressive for vaccine safety concerns. It is not contraindicated for the administration of zoster vaccination. Avoid higher doses of Azathioprine.
Corticosteroids (Systemic) May increase the toxic/adverse effect of Vaccines Live. Systemic corticosteroids may decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Management: Prednisone doses less than 2 mg/kg, or 20 mg per daily administered for a period of less than 2 weeks are not sufficient to cause vaccine safety concerns. Avoid higher doses and prolonged administrations.
Dimethyl Fumarate May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines. Dimethyl Fumarate, in particular, may increase the chance of vaccinal infections. Dimethyl Fumarate could decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines Live. Management: Canadian labeling of dimethyl fumarate indicates that live attenuated vaccination is not recommended during treatment. This is not mentioned in the U.S. labeling.
Immune Globulins May reduce the therapeutic effects of vaccines (Live). Management: Refer to the full interaction monograph for recommended dose intervals. This interaction is not applicable to oral Ty21a Typhoid vaccine, or other exceptions.
Leflunomide May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines Live. Leflunomide can decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Management: After the cessation or reduction of immunosuppressant therapy, liveattenuated vaccinations should be avoided for at most 3 months. The ACR recommends that patients receiving leflunomide should not be exposed to live vaccines.
Mercaptopurine May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines. Mercaptopurine could decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Management: A low-dose 6-mercaptopurine dose (1.5 mg/kg/day) is not enough to cause vaccine safety concerns. It is safe for use in the administration of zoster vaccinations. Avoid higher doses of mercaptopurine.
Methotrexate May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines Live. Methotrexate can decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Management: A low dose of methotrexate (0.4mg/kg/week) is not sufficient to cause vaccine safety concerns. Avoid higher doses of methotrexate.
Rabies Immune Globulin (Human) May reduce the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Administration: The measles vaccine should not be administered within four months of the administration of rabies immunoglobulin. Do not administer any other live vaccines for 3 months following the administration of rabies immunoglobulin.
Tisagenlecleucel May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines (Live). In particular, there may be an increase in the risk of infection. Tisagenlecleucel can decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines Live. Management: Live virus vaccines should be avoided for at least two weeks before starting lymphodepleting therapy. This is also true during tisagenlecleucel injections. Continue treatment until your immune system has fully recovered.
Tuberculin Testing Tuberculin tests may be affected by live vaccines. Management: A scheduled PPD skin test shouldn't be performed if a parenteral vaccine has been administered.

Risk Factor X (Avoid Combination)

Belimumab Live vaccines may have an adverse/toxic effect.
Daclizumab May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines Live. Daclizumab could decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines.
Dupilumab Live vaccines may have an adverse/toxic effect.
Fingolimod May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines (Live). Vaccinal infections may develop. Fingolimod could decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines (Live).
Guselkumab Live vaccines may have an adverse/toxic effect.
Immunosuppressants Live vaccines may have an adverse/toxic effect. Immunosuppressants can decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Management: Live-attenuated vaccines should be avoided for at least three months following the administration of immunosuppressants. Beclomethasone, Betamethasone and Budesonide (Systemic); Corticotropin (Liposmal); DexAMETHasone(Systemic); Fludrocortisone. Fluticasone. Fludrocortisone. Fluticasone. Hydrocortisone. Systemic. Leflunomide. Mercaptopurine. Methotrexate. PrednisoLONE. PredniSONE. Triamcinolone.
Ocrelizumab May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Vaccines Live. Ocrelizumab could decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines.
Risankizumab Live vaccines may have an adverse/toxic effect.
Tildrakizumab May increase the toxic/adverse effects of vaccines (live). There is a higher chance of getting an infection due to the vaccine. Tildrakizumab could decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines (Live).
Venetoclax May increase the toxic/adverse effect of Vaccines Live. Venetoclax can decrease the therapeutic effects of Vaccines. Management: It is important to avoid venetoclax treatment with live, attenuated vaccinations.

Monitoring parameters:

None mentioned.

How to administer Ervebo (Ebola Vaccine)?

For Intramuscular Administration Only.

  • Dosage

    • Administer 1 mL dose of ERVEBO.
  • Preparation

    • Vial should be thawed at room temperature until no visible ice is present. Vial should not be thawed in a refrigerator.
    • Vial should be inverted several times.
    • The vaccine is a colorless to slightly brownish-yellow liquid with no particulates visible.
    • The drug should be checked for any discoloration or any particulate matter before administration, whenever solution and container permit.
    • The vial should be discarded if there is particulate or any discoloration.
    • The vaccine should be immediately consumed after thawing.
    • If not used immediately, the vaccine may be stored for 4 hours at room temperature (up to 25°C; 77°F) protected from light. DO NOT REFREEZE [see How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16)].
    • One mL dose of vaccine should be withdrawn from the vial using a sterile needle and sterile syringe.
  • Administration

    • 1 mL dose of ERVEBO should be injected intramuscularly, preferably in the deltoid area of the nondominant arm.
    • The unused portion should be discarded.
  • Dosage forms and strengths:

    • ERVEBO is a suspension for injection supplied as a 1 mL dose in single-dose vials.

Mechanism of Action of Ervebo (Ebola vaccine):

  • ERVEBO (Ebola Zaire Vaccine Live) is a sterile suspension that can be intramuscularly injected.
  • It is a live, recombinant virus vaccine. It consists of a VSV backbone that has been deleted and replaced with the Zaire envelope glycoprotein (Kikwit 1995).
  • The vaccine virus is grown in serum-free Vero cells.
  • The virus is taken from the cell culture medium and purified. It is then prepared with a stabilizer solution. Vials are filled and frozen.
  • After thawing, ERVEBO is a colorless to slightly yellowish-yellow liquid that has no particulates.
  • Each 1 mL dose (72 million plaque-forming unit) of ERVEBO vaccine virus is contained in a stabilizer solution containing 10 mM Tromethamine, Tris (Tris), and 2.5 mg/mL rice derived recombinant serum albumin.
  • In 1 ml of dose, residual amounts of host cell DNA (=10ng) or benzonase (15ng) may be present.
  • Rice protein can also be found in trace amounts. The product contains no preservatives. The vaccine vial cap is made without natural rubber latex.
  • After immunization, you can expect a healthy immune response and protection against the Zaire ebolavirus.
  • It is not known what the relative contributions of cell-mediated, humoral and innate immunity are to Zaire ebolavirus protection.


  • 186 participants in seven clinical studies were vaccinated against ERVEBO.
  • The plasma of most individuals was positive for vaccine virus RNA from Day 1 through Day 7, with only one subject having a positive plasma RTPCR test 14 days later.


  • In seven clinical studies, 299 subjects who had been vaccinated with ERVEBO (or lower dose) were tested for vaccine virus shedding in their saliva or urine.
  • Some people had vaccine virus RNA detected using RT-PCR in their urine or saliva at various time points ranging between Day 1 and Day 14 after vaccination.
  • In the two studies, which assessed Day 28 shedding, no samples were positive.
  • RT-PCR was used to detect RNA from vaccine virus in vesicular fluid samples taken from certain subjects.
  • A sample taken 20 days after vaccination was positive for vaccine virus RNA using RT-PCR in one subject.

Ebola Zaire vaccine Brand Names (International):

  • Ervebo

Ebola vaccine Brand Names in Pakistan:

No Brands Available in Pakistan.


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