Flavoxate (Urispas) - Uses, Dose, Side effects, MOA, Brands

Flavoxate is a medication primarily used to alleviate symptoms of urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia, and incontinence, often associated with conditions like overactive bladder or cystitis. It works by relaxing the muscles in the bladder, thereby reducing the urge to urinate frequently or urgently. Flavoxate is classified as an antispasmodic agent and is typically taken orally in tablet form.

Flavoxate (Urispas) is an antispasmodic drug that is used to relieve lower urinary tract symptoms such as urgency, frequency, nocturia, and suprapubic pain. It has antimuscarinic and anticholinergic effects and should be avoided in patients with symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction.

Flavoxate (Urispas) Uses:

  • It is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria, urgency, frequency, nocturia, suprapubic pain, urinary incontinence in patients with cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urethrotrigonitis, and urethrocystitis.

Flavoxate (Urispas) Dose in Adults

Flavoxate (Urispas) Dose in the treatment of Urinary spasms:

  • When treating urinary spasms, the usual dose of flavoxate taken by mouth is 100 to 200 milligrams, usually three to four times a day.
  • Once your symptoms start getting better, your doctor might suggest lowering the dose.

Dose in Children:

Refer to adults dosing.

Pregnancy Risk Factor B

  • Flavoxate is considered safe to use during pregnancy, as it's classified as Pregnancy Risk Factor B.
  • This means that there haven't been any harmful effects observed in animal studies regarding its use during pregnancy.

Flavoxate use during breastfeeding:

  • It's uncertain whether flavoxate passes into breast milk.
  • The manufacturer advises caution when giving flavoxate to breastfeeding women.

Dose in Kidney Disease:

  • According to the manufacturer's labeling, there's no need to adjust the dosage of flavoxate in individuals with renal impairment.
  • This means that people with kidney problems can typically take the medication at the same dosage as those with normal kidney function.

Dose in Liver disease:

  • According to the manufacturer's labeling, there's no recommended adjustment to the dosage of flavoxate in individuals with hepatic impairment.
  • This suggests that people with liver problems can generally take the medication at the same dosage as those with normal liver function.

Side effects of Flavoxate (Urispas):

  • Cardiovascular:
    • Palpitations
    • Tachycardia
  • Central Nervous System:
    • Confusion (Especially In The Elderly)
    • Drowsiness
    • Headache
    • Hyperpyrexia
    • Nervousness
    • Vertigo
  • Dermatologic:
    • Rash
    • Urticaria
  • Gastrointestinal:
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Xerostomia
  • Genitourinary:
    • Dysuria
  • Hematologic:
    • Eosinophilia
    • Leukopenia
  • Ocular:
    • Blurred Vision
    • Intraocular Pressure Increased
    • Ocular Accommodation Disorder

Contraindications to Flavoxate (Urispas):

  • Flavoxate is not recommended for individuals with certain conditions such as pyloric or duodenal obstruction, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, obstructive intestinal lesions, ileus, achalasia, or obstructive uropathies of the lower urinary tract (for example, benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH).
  • These conditions could be worsened by the use of flavoxate or may interact negatively with the medication.

Warnings and precautions

CNS effects

  • Flavoxate can potentially cause drowsiness and blurred vision, affecting both physical and mental abilities.
  • Patients should be advised to exercise caution when engaging in activities that require mental alertness, such as operating machinery or driving, while taking this medication.
  • It's important for individuals to be aware of these potential side effects and to avoid activities that could be unsafe if their cognitive or visual abilities are impaired while using flavoxate.


  • Flavoxate should be used cautiously in patients who are suspected to have glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye that can lead to vision problems.
  • Using flavoxate in such individuals requires careful monitoring due to the potential for the medication to exacerbate symptoms or worsen the condition.

Flavoxate: Drug Interaction

Note: Drug Interaction Categories:

  • Risk Factor C: Monitor When Using Combination
  • Risk Factor D: Consider Treatment Modification
  • Risk Factor X: Avoid Concomitant Use

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

May diminish the therapeutic effect of Anticholinergic Agents. Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Anticholinergic Agents

May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of other Anticholinergic Agents.

Botulinum Toxin-Containing Products

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Cannabinoid-Containing Products

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the tachycardic effect of Cannabinoid-Containing Products. Exceptions: Cannabidiol.

Chloral Betaine

May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Gastrointestinal Agents (Prokinetic)

Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Gastrointestinal Agents (Prokinetic).


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Glucagon. Specifically, the risk of gastrointestinal adverse effects may be increased.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Itopride.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Mirabegron.


Anticholinergic Agents may decrease the absorption of Nitroglycerin. Specifically, anticholinergic agents may decrease the dissolution of sublingual nitroglycerin tablets, possibly impairing or slowing nitroglycerin absorption.

Opioid Agonists

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Opioid Agonists. Specifically, the risk for constipation and urinary retention may be increased with this combination.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the constipating effect of Ramosetron.

Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics

Anticholinergic Agents may increase the serum concentration of Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Topiramate.

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modification)


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents. These effects are specific to the GI tract.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Secretin. Management: Avoid concomitant use of anticholinergic agents and secretin. Discontinue anticholinergic agents at least 5 half-lives prior to administration of secretin.

Risk Factor X (Avoid combination)


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Cimetropium.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the constipating effect of Eluxadoline.

Glycopyrrolate (Oral Inhalation)

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Glycopyrrolate (Oral Inhalation).

Glycopyrronium (Topical)

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Ipratropium (Oral Inhalation)

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Levosulpiride.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Potassium Chloride

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the ulcerogenic effect of Potassium Chloride. Management: Patients on drugs with substantial anticholinergic effects should avoid using any solid oral dosage form of potassium chloride.

Potassium Citrate

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the ulcerogenic effect of Potassium Citrate.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Revefenacin.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Tiotropium.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Monitoring parameters:

Monitoring Intake and Output (I & O):

  • It's important to keep a close eye on how much fluid goes in and out of the body while taking flavoxate.
  • This helps healthcare providers understand how the body is responding to the medication and ensures proper hydration.

Watch for Anticholinergic Signs and Symptoms:

  • Flavoxate has anticholinergic effects, which can cause certain side effects like dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and difficulty urinating.
  • Patients should be aware of these signs and symptoms and report them to their healthcare provider if experienced.
  • Monitoring for these effects helps manage any potential issues and ensures the medication is well-tolerated.

How to administer Flavoxate (Urispas)?

It may be taken with meals to improve drug tolerability and reduce gastrointestinal side effects.

Mechanism of action of Flavoxate (Urispas):

  • Flavoxate is a synthetic antispasmodic medication that works similarly to propantheline.
  • It acts by directly relaxing smooth muscles through inhibiting phosphodiesterase, which helps relieve various spasms in the body.
  • One of its primary uses is in treating bladder spasticity, where it can increase the bladder's capacity to hold urine.
  • This effect makes it particularly helpful for conditions involving urinary urgency and frequency.

Onset of Action:

  • Flavoxate typically starts to work around 55 minutes after it is taken. This means that it begins to have its therapeutic effects within this timeframe after ingestion.


  • The body eliminates flavoxate primarily through urine, with approximately 57% of the dose being excreted within 24 hours after ingestion.
  • This process helps remove the medication from the body, and understanding how it's excreted aids in managing dosage and potential side effects.

International Brand Names of Flavoxate:

  • APO-Flavoxate
  • PMS-Flavoxate
  • Urispas
  • Avox
  • Baduson
  • Bladderon
  • Bladuril
  • Cleanxate
  • Flavate
  • Flavorin
  • Foxate
  • Fucotin
  • Genorin
  • Genurin
  • Genurin S
  • Harnin
  • Nephroflam
  • Patricin
  • Soolda
  • Spagerin
  • Spasuret
  • Spasuri
  • Tonlin
  • U-Spa
  • Urex
  • Urilax
  • Uripax
  • Urispadol
  • Urispas
  • Urispas
  • Urivox
  • Uronid
  • Uropyrine
  • Uroxate
  • Verispasmin
  • Voxamed
  • Voxate
  • Yungken

Flavoxate Brand Names in Pakistan:

Flavoxate 100 mg Tablets in Pakistan


Cirin Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.


Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


Shaigan Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd


Zafa Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd.


Helicon Pharmaceutek Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.


Flavoxate 200 mg Tablets in Pakistan


Zephyr Pharmatec (Pvt) Ltd.


Fynk Pharmaceuticals


Cirin Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.

Genurin Forte

Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


Shaigan Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd


Medisure Laboratories Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.


Hansel Pharmacueutical Pvt (Ltd)

Flavoxate is a medication primarily used to alleviate symptoms of urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia, and incontinence, often associated with conditions like overactive bladder or cystitis. It works by relaxing the muscles in the bladder, thereby reducing the urge to urinate frequently or urgently. Flavoxate is classified as an antispasmodic agent and is typically taken orally in tablet form.

Flavoxate (Urispas) is an antispasmodic drug that is used to relieve lower urinary tract symptoms such as urgency, frequency, nocturia, and suprapubic pain. It has antimuscarinic and anticholinergic effects and should be avoided in patients with symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction.

Flavoxate (Urispas) Uses:

  • It is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria, urgency, frequency, nocturia, suprapubic pain, urinary incontinence in patients with cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urethrotrigonitis, and urethrocystitis.

Flavoxate (Urispas) Dose in Adults

Flavoxate (Urispas) Dose in the treatment of Urinary spasms:

  • When treating urinary spasms, the usual dose of flavoxate taken by mouth is 100 to 200 milligrams, usually three to four times a day.
  • Once your symptoms start getting better, your doctor might suggest lowering the dose.

Dose in Children:

Refer to adults dosing.

Pregnancy Risk Factor B

  • Flavoxate is considered safe to use during pregnancy, as it's classified as Pregnancy Risk Factor B.
  • This means that there haven't been any harmful effects observed in animal studies regarding its use during pregnancy.

Flavoxate use during breastfeeding:

  • It's uncertain whether flavoxate passes into breast milk.
  • The manufacturer advises caution when giving flavoxate to breastfeeding women.

Dose in Kidney Disease:

  • According to the manufacturer's labeling, there's no need to adjust the dosage of flavoxate in individuals with renal impairment.
  • This means that people with kidney problems can typically take the medication at the same dosage as those with normal kidney function.

Dose in Liver disease:

  • According to the manufacturer's labeling, there's no recommended adjustment to the dosage of flavoxate in individuals with hepatic impairment.
  • This suggests that people with liver problems can generally take the medication at the same dosage as those with normal liver function.

Side effects of Flavoxate (Urispas):

  • Cardiovascular:
    • Palpitations
    • Tachycardia
  • Central Nervous System:
    • Confusion (Especially In The Elderly)
    • Drowsiness
    • Headache
    • Hyperpyrexia
    • Nervousness
    • Vertigo
  • Dermatologic:
    • Rash
    • Urticaria
  • Gastrointestinal:
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Xerostomia
  • Genitourinary:
    • Dysuria
  • Hematologic:
    • Eosinophilia
    • Leukopenia
  • Ocular:
    • Blurred Vision
    • Intraocular Pressure Increased
    • Ocular Accommodation Disorder

Contraindications to Flavoxate (Urispas):

  • Flavoxate is not recommended for individuals with certain conditions such as pyloric or duodenal obstruction, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, obstructive intestinal lesions, ileus, achalasia, or obstructive uropathies of the lower urinary tract (for example, benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH).
  • These conditions could be worsened by the use of flavoxate or may interact negatively with the medication.

Warnings and precautions

CNS effects

  • Flavoxate can potentially cause drowsiness and blurred vision, affecting both physical and mental abilities.
  • Patients should be advised to exercise caution when engaging in activities that require mental alertness, such as operating machinery or driving, while taking this medication.
  • It's important for individuals to be aware of these potential side effects and to avoid activities that could be unsafe if their cognitive or visual abilities are impaired while using flavoxate.


  • Flavoxate should be used cautiously in patients who are suspected to have glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye that can lead to vision problems.
  • Using flavoxate in such individuals requires careful monitoring due to the potential for the medication to exacerbate symptoms or worsen the condition.

Flavoxate: Drug Interaction

Note: Drug Interaction Categories:

  • Risk Factor C: Monitor When Using Combination
  • Risk Factor D: Consider Treatment Modification
  • Risk Factor X: Avoid Concomitant Use

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

May diminish the therapeutic effect of Anticholinergic Agents. Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Anticholinergic Agents

May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of other Anticholinergic Agents.

Botulinum Toxin-Containing Products

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Cannabinoid-Containing Products

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the tachycardic effect of Cannabinoid-Containing Products. Exceptions: Cannabidiol.

Chloral Betaine

May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Gastrointestinal Agents (Prokinetic)

Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Gastrointestinal Agents (Prokinetic).


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Glucagon. Specifically, the risk of gastrointestinal adverse effects may be increased.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Itopride.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Mirabegron.


Anticholinergic Agents may decrease the absorption of Nitroglycerin. Specifically, anticholinergic agents may decrease the dissolution of sublingual nitroglycerin tablets, possibly impairing or slowing nitroglycerin absorption.

Opioid Agonists

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Opioid Agonists. Specifically, the risk for constipation and urinary retention may be increased with this combination.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the constipating effect of Ramosetron.

Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics

Anticholinergic Agents may increase the serum concentration of Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Topiramate.

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modification)


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents. These effects are specific to the GI tract.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Secretin. Management: Avoid concomitant use of anticholinergic agents and secretin. Discontinue anticholinergic agents at least 5 half-lives prior to administration of secretin.

Risk Factor X (Avoid combination)


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Cimetropium.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the constipating effect of Eluxadoline.

Glycopyrrolate (Oral Inhalation)

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Glycopyrrolate (Oral Inhalation).

Glycopyrronium (Topical)

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Ipratropium (Oral Inhalation)

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Levosulpiride.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Potassium Chloride

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the ulcerogenic effect of Potassium Chloride. Management: Patients on drugs with substantial anticholinergic effects should avoid using any solid oral dosage form of potassium chloride.

Potassium Citrate

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the ulcerogenic effect of Potassium Citrate.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Revefenacin.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Tiotropium.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Monitoring parameters:

Monitoring Intake and Output (I & O):

  • It's important to keep a close eye on how much fluid goes in and out of the body while taking flavoxate.
  • This helps healthcare providers understand how the body is responding to the medication and ensures proper hydration.

Watch for Anticholinergic Signs and Symptoms:

  • Flavoxate has anticholinergic effects, which can cause certain side effects like dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and difficulty urinating.
  • Patients should be aware of these signs and symptoms and report them to their healthcare provider if experienced.
  • Monitoring for these effects helps manage any potential issues and ensures the medication is well-tolerated.

How to administer Flavoxate (Urispas)?

It may be taken with meals to improve drug tolerability and reduce gastrointestinal side effects.

Mechanism of action of Flavoxate (Urispas):

  • Flavoxate is a synthetic antispasmodic medication that works similarly to propantheline.
  • It acts by directly relaxing smooth muscles through inhibiting phosphodiesterase, which helps relieve various spasms in the body.
  • One of its primary uses is in treating bladder spasticity, where it can increase the bladder's capacity to hold urine.
  • This effect makes it particularly helpful for conditions involving urinary urgency and frequency.

Onset of Action:

  • Flavoxate typically starts to work around 55 minutes after it is taken. This means that it begins to have its therapeutic effects within this timeframe after ingestion.


  • The body eliminates flavoxate primarily through urine, with approximately 57% of the dose being excreted within 24 hours after ingestion.
  • This process helps remove the medication from the body, and understanding how it's excreted aids in managing dosage and potential side effects.

International Brand Names of Flavoxate:

  • APO-Flavoxate
  • PMS-Flavoxate
  • Urispas
  • Avox
  • Baduson
  • Bladderon
  • Bladuril
  • Cleanxate
  • Flavate
  • Flavorin
  • Foxate
  • Fucotin
  • Genorin
  • Genurin
  • Genurin S
  • Harnin
  • Nephroflam
  • Patricin
  • Soolda
  • Spagerin
  • Spasuret
  • Spasuri
  • Tonlin
  • U-Spa
  • Urex
  • Urilax
  • Uripax
  • Urispadol
  • Urispas
  • Urispas
  • Urivox
  • Uronid
  • Uropyrine
  • Uroxate
  • Verispasmin
  • Voxamed
  • Voxate
  • Yungken

Flavoxate Brand Names in Pakistan:

Flavoxate 100 mg Tablets in Pakistan


Cirin Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.


Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


Shaigan Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd


Zafa Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd.


Helicon Pharmaceutek Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.

Flavoxate 200 mg Tablets in Pakistan


Zephyr Pharmatec (Pvt) Ltd.


Fynk Pharmaceuticals


Cirin Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.

Genurin Forte

Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


Shaigan Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd


Medisure Laboratories Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.


Hansel Pharmacueutical Pvt (Ltd)


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