Memantine (Namenda) - Uses, Dose, Side effects, MOA, Brands

Patients with Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia are treated for dementia with memantine (Namenda), an inhibitor of NMDA type glutamate receptors.

Memantine Uses:

  • Alzheimer disease:

    • Helps with treating a kind of memory loss that's not too severe, linked to a condition called Alzheimer's.
  • Off Label Use of Memantine in Adults:

    • Helps with treating a type of memory loss that is not too severe, related to a condition called vascular dementia.

Memantine (Namenda) Dose in Adults:

Memantine (Namenda) Dose in the treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimer disease: Oral:

  • Immediate-release:

    • Start with 5 mg once a day.
    • If it's okay for a week, increase to 5 mg twice a day.
    • If that's fine for at least another week, you can increase it again to a maximum of 20 mg per day.
    • If you're taking more than 5 mg per day, divide the doses.
    • If you stop the treatment for a long time, begin with a lower dose and slowly increase it again.
    • Here's a suggested increase plan: 5 mg daily for at least 1 week, then 5 mg twice daily for at least 1 week, followed by 15 mg daily (5 mg and 10 mg in separate doses) for at least 1 week, and finally, 10 mg twice daily.
  • Extended-release:

    • Begin with 7 mg once a day. Increase the dose by 7 mg daily, and the highest target dose is 28 mg per day.
    • Allow at least a week to pass before raising the dose again.

Note: When switching from immediate-release to extended-release, start the transition the day after the last immediate-release dose.

You can create a 28 mg extended-release formulation using 10 mg immediate-release tablets.

  • Missed dose:

    • If you miss a dose, take the next one as usual.
    • If you've missed doses for a long time, restart with a lower dose and gradually increase it again.

Memantine (Namenda) Dose for treating mild to moderate Vascular dementia (off-label): Oral:

  • Immediate release:

    • Start with 5 mg once a day. Increase by 5 mg each week until you reach the target dose of 10 mg twice a day.

Use in Children:


Not recommended or not advised.

Memantine Pregnancy Category: B

  • Research on animals has demonstrated negative effects of Memantine.
  • Regarding the use of Memantine while breastfeeding, it is uncertain whether the substance is present in breast milk.
  • Prior to use by lactating mothers, it is essential to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits.

Memantine (Namenda) Dose in Kidney Disease:

  • Mild impairment:
    • No need to change the dosage.
  • Moderate impairment:
    • In the United States, no adjustment to the dose is necessary.
    • However, according to Canadian labeling, for individuals with a creatinine clearance (CrCl) between 30 to 49 mL/minute, the initial dose is 5 mg twice daily.
    • If well tolerated for a week, the dose can be increased. After at least a week, the maximum goal dose is 20 mg per day.
  • Severe impairment:
    • In the United States, for individuals with creatinine clearance (CrCl) between 5 to 29 mL/minute, the immediate-release dosage starts at 5 mg twice daily.

    • If well tolerated for a week, the dose can be increased, and after at least a week, the maximum goal dose is 14 mg per day.

    • Note that when transitioning from immediate to extended-release, patients on 5 mg twice daily should switch to extended-release 14 mg once daily.

    • In Canada, for individuals with CrCl between 15 to 29 mL/minute, the initial dose is 5 mg once daily for 1 week.

    • If tolerated, it may be increased to 5 mg twice a day.

Memantine Dose in Liver disease:

  • For mild-to-moderate impairment, no dose adjustment is necessary.

  • In cases of severe impairment, while the manufacturer doesn't recommend a specific dose adjustment, it is not advised to use in instances of severe hepatic impairment.

  • It's important to note that, except as mentioned, adverse effects are similar between formulations for immediate and prolonged release.

Less Common Side Effects of Memantine:

  • Cardiovascular:

    • Hypotension
    • Hypertension
  • Central nervous system:

    • Aggressive behavior
    • Confusion
    • Hallucination
    • Anxiety
    • Drowsiness
    • Pain
    • Headache
    • Fatigue
    • Depression
    • Dizziness
  • Endocrine & metabolic:

    • Weight gain
  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Vomiting
    • Abdominal pain
    • Constipation
    • Diarrhea
  • Genitourinary:

    • Urinary incontinence
  • Infection:

    • Influenza
  • Neuromuscular & skeletal:

    • Back pain
  • Respiratory:

    • Dyspnea
    • Cough

Contraindications to Memantine (Namenda):

Allergic or hypersensitive reactions to memantine or any ingredient in the formulation are contraindications.

If an individual has a known hypersensitivity to memantine or any component of the formulation, the use of this medication is not recommended.

Warnings and precautions

  • Hypersensitivity

    • Uncommon cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and erythema multiforme, have been reported.
    • It's crucial to be vigilant for signs of a skin rash. If you notice any reaction on the skin, discontinue use immediately.
  • Cardiovascular disease

    • There is a low risk of developing cardiotoxicity with this medication.

    • However, an increase in the occurrence of angina, heart failure, hypertension, bradycardia, and cardiac failure has been noted compared to a placebo.

    • It's important to be mindful of the potential for cardiovascular issues while using this medication.

  • Hepatic impairment

    • Patients with severe hepatic impairment should exercise caution when using this medication.

    • The Canadian labeling suggests avoiding its use in cases of severe impairment due to a lack of sufficient data.

  • Ophthalmic disease

    • Exercise caution if you have any eye problems.
  • Renal impairment

    • This substance can be harmful to the kidneys.
    • Adjust the dose based on the clearance of creatinine.
  • Seizure disorder

    • Exercise caution when using this medication in cases where seizure disorders have already manifested.

Memantine: Drug Interaction

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

Alkalinizing Agents

Memantine serum levels might rise.


Benperidol's therapeutic effects could be lessened by memantine.

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Memantine serum levels might rise. Exceptions: Dorzolamide and Brinzolamide


OCT2 Substrates' serum concentration can rise. Anti-NMDA Receptor  Substances: could make Memantine's harmful or toxic effects worse.


Could make Memantine's harmful or toxic effects worse. Particularly, there  may be a higher chance of myoclonus and/or delirium. Memantine's serum  levels may rise in response to trimethoprim. Trimethoprim's serum concentration  could rise as a result of memantine.

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modification)


OCT2 Substrates' serum concentration can rise. Management: If using OCT2 substrates  with tafenoquine cannot be avoided, watch  closely for  any signs of toxicity and take  into account using a lower dose of the  OCT2 substrate in  accordance with the  labelling of that substrate.


Monitoring parameters:

  • Evaluation of cognitive function and functional outcomes, such as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), is important.
  • Additionally, periodic eye exams are recommended, as per the Canadian labeling.

How to administer Memantine (Namenda)?

  • You can take this medication with or without food.
  • Extended-release capsules can be taken whole or broken, but do not chew, crush, or divide them.
  • When using the oral solution, use the provided dosing device, and do not mix it with other liquids.
  • However, the Canadian labeling suggests that it can be taken with water.

Mechanism of action of Memantine (Namenda):

  • In Alzheimer's disease, the major excitatory substance in the brain, glutamate, can overstimulate receptors, leading to harmful effects and nerve cell death.

  • Memantine, an antagonist, works by blocking a specific type of glutamate receptor called N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA).

  • In normal situations, magnesium ions block the NMDA receptor channel when it's not stimulated, and they move away when nerve signals stimulate the channel.

  • In Alzheimer's, it's theorized that abnormal or excessive activation of these receptors blocks the channel pore, preventing magnesium from entering.

  • This results in a continuous open state, allowing too much calcium to enter the nerve cells.

  • Memantine helps by acting as a blocker for these receptors.

  • It binds to the site usually occupied by magnesium, but only under conditions of excessive stimulation. Importantly, this action doesn't affect normally functioning neurons.


  • This medication is easily absorbed by the body.

Protein binding:

  • Out of the protein, 45% is stuck or attached to another substance.



    This substance is mostly not influenced by a specific enzyme system called CYP.

  • It works partially in the liver and forms three byproducts, but these byproducts have minimal activity.

Half-life elimination:

  • The time it takes for the substance to leave the body completely is approximately between 60 to 80 hours.

Time to peak, serum:

  • For the immediate-release form, it takes about 3 to 7 hours for the substance to be fully absorbed and have its effects.
  • In the extended-release form, the duration is longer, with effects lasting from 9 to 12 hours.


  • Approximately 74% of the substance is eliminated through urine.

  • Within this, 48% of the total dosage appears in the urine without undergoing any changes (unchanged drug).

  • The elimination process involves active tubular secretion, and reabsorption is enhanced under conditions of alkaline pH.

International Brands of Memantine:

  • Namenda
  • Namenda Titration Pak
  • Namenda XR
  • Namenda XR Titration Pack
  • ACT Memantine
  • APO-Memantine
  • Ebixa
  • MED-Memantine
  • MYLAN-Memantine
  • PMSMemantine
  • RAN-Memantine
  • RATIO-Memantine
  • RIVA-Memantine
  • SANDOZ Memantine FCT
  • SANDOZ Memantine
  • Abixa
  • Admed
  • Admenta
  • Akatinol
  • Albix
  • Alzema
  • Amint-10
  • Axura
  • Carrier
  • Cerentia
  • Cognitine
  • Cordure
  • Delmenda
  • Dementa
  • Denigma
  • Ebix
  • Ebixa
  • Esmirtal
  • Eutebrol
  • Evy
  • Exenta
  • Foliant
  • Limember
  • Lindex
  • Manotin
  • Mantomed
  • Marixino
  • Mema
  • Memadem-10
  • Memanto
  • Memanxa
  • Memary
  • Mementor
  • Memogen
  • Memora
  • Memoria
  • Memoril
  • Memox
  • Memry
  • Memxa
  • Mentin
  • Mentra
  • Nemdatine
  • Neumantine
  • Neuroplus
  • Pentabixa
  • Remem
  • Remtin
  • Tabixa
  • Vilimen
  • Witgen
  • Ymana
  • Zimerz

Memantine Brand Names in Pakistan:

Memantine Oral Solution 10 Mg in Pakistan

Stir-Up Nabiqasim Industries (Pvt) Ltd.
Stir-Up Nabiqasim Industries (Pvt) Ltd.


Memantine Tablets 5 Mg in Pakistan

Afdol Agp (Private) Ltd.
Mamot Swan Pharmaceuticals(Pvt) Ltd
Memura Pharmevo (Pvt) Ltd.


Memantine Tablets 10 Mg in Pakistan

Afdol Agp (Private) Ltd.
Afdol Agp (Private) Ltd.
Alzirid Global Pharmaceuticals
Contine Lexicon Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.
Demantin Cellgene Pharmaceuticals International
Dmantin Genome Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd
Ebixa Lundbeck Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
Foliant Navegal Laboratories
Mamot Swan Pharmaceuticals(Pvt) Ltd
Mantex The Schazoo Laboratories Ltd.
Memura Pharmevo (Pvt) Ltd.
Stir-Up Nabiqasim Industries (Pvt) Ltd.
Synaptin Polyfine Chempharma (Pvt) Ltd.
Synaptol Medisure Laboratories Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.
Zexa Mass Pharma (Private) Limited


Memantine Tablets 20 Mg in Pakistan

Dementin Cellgene Pharmaceuticals International