Penicillin V potassium - Uses, Dose, Side effects

Penicillin V potassium is an orally available antibiotic. It has a very narrow spectrum of antibacterial properties and is used to treat mild to moderate infections.

Indications of Penicillin V potassium

  • Fusospirochetosis (Vincent gingivitis and pharyngitis):

    • It used for treating fusospirochetosis (Vincent gingivitis and pharyngitis) in addition to dental hygiene.
  • Pneumococcal infections:

    • Penicillin V potassium is an antibiotic that can be used to treat mild to moderately severe pneumococcal respiratory tract infections, including otitis media.
  • Rheumatic fever and/or chorea prophylaxis:

    • It is used for prophylaxis (chronic, secondary) of rheumatic fever and/or chorea.
  • Penicillin G-sensitive Staphylococcal infections:

    • It is indicated for the management of minor skin and soft tissue infections.
  • Streptococcal infections without bacteremia:

    • Penicillin V potassium is used to treat mild to severe upper respiratory tract streptococcal infections, scarlet fever, and mild erysipelas.
  • Off Label Use of Penicillin V potassium in Adults:

    • Actinomycosis;
    • Bite wounds (animal);
    • Chronic antimicrobial suppression of prosthetic joint infection;
    • Cutaneous anthrax;
    • Cutaneous erysipeloid;
    • Pneumococcal prophylaxis in hematopoietic cell transplant;
    • Chronic Streptococcus group A carrier

Penicillin V dosage in adults:

Usual dosage range:

  • Every 6 to 8 hours, 125 to 500 mg orally

Penicillin V Dose in the treatment of Actinomycosis:


The duration depends on the disease location and patient-specific factors.

  • 2 to 4 g/day in per-oral in divided doses (every 6 hours).

Penicillin V dose in the treatment of Animal Bite Wounds:

  • 500 mg per oral q.i.d daily in combination with dicloxacillin.

Penicillin V dose in the treatment of community-acquired Cutaneous anthrax:

  • 500 mg per oral q.i.d daily for 7 to 10 days.

Dose in the treatment of Cutaneous erysipeloid:

  • For 7 to 10 days, 500 mg per oral q.i.d on a daily basis

Penicillin V dose in the treatment of Erysipelas:

  • 500 mg per oral q.i.d daily.
  • Manufacturer's labeling:

    • Current clinical practise might not be reflected in the dosing in the prescribed information.
    • Every 6 to 8 hours, take 125 to 250 mg.

Dose in the treatment of Fusospirochetosis (Vincent infection):

  • Orally every 6 to 8 hours, 250 to 500 mg

Dose for Pneumococcal prophylaxis in hematopoietic cell transplant:

  • 250 to 500 mg per oral b.i.d daily.
  • Note: Use only in areas where the incidence of penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae is low.

Penicillin V dose in the treatment dose of Prosthetic joint infection:

  • Chronic oral antimicrobial suppression (Enterococcus spp [penicillin-susceptible], streptococci [beta-hemolytic], Cutibacterium spp):

    • 500 mg per oral b.i.d or q.i.d daily.

Penicillin V dose in the treatment of Streptococcal skin infection:

  • 250 to 500 mg per oral every 6 hours.

Penicillin V dose in the treatment of Group A Streptococcal infections: 

  • Acute treatment of Pharyngitis:

    • 500 mg per oral b.i.d or ti.d daily for 10 days or 250 mg 4 times daily or 500 mg twice daily for 10 days.
  • Secondary prophylaxis for rheumatic fever (prevention of recurrent attacks):

    • 250 mg per oral b.i.d daily. Duration depends on risk factors and the presence of valvular disease.
  • Chronic carriage:

    • 500 mg per oral q.i.d daily for 10 days in combination with oral rifampin.
    • Note: Most individuals with chronic carriage do not require antibiotics.

Penicillin V potassium dose in children:

Penicillin V General dosing in susceptible infections:

  • Infants and Children <12 years:

    • Mild to moderate infection:

      • Every 6 to 8 hours, divided doses of 25 to 75 mg/kg/day orally
      • 2,000 mg/day is maximum daily dose
  • Children ≥12 years and Adolescents:

    • Manufacturer's labeling (fixed dosing):

      • Every 6 to 8 hours,125 to 500 mg per oral 
    • Alternate dosing (weight-based):

      • For mild to moderate infection: In divided doses every 6 to 8 hours, 25 to 75 mg/kg/day per oral.
      • 2,000 mg/day is maximum daily dose

Penicillin V dose for the treatment of community-acquired cutaneous Anthrax:

  • Infants, Children, and Adolescents:

    • 2 or 4 times daily orally in divided doses 25 to 50 mg/kg/day. 
    • 500 mg is maximum single dose

Penicillin V dose for treating mild to moderately severe Fusospirochetosis infections (Vincent infection):

  • Children ≥12 years and Adolescents:

    • Every 6 to 8 hours, 250 to 500 mg orally. 

1Penicillin V dose in the treatment of Tonsillopharyngitis caused by Group A streptococcal infection and for the treatment and primary prevention of Rheumatic fever:

  • Acute treatment :

    • Children ≤27 kg:

      • For 10 days, daily 2 to 3 times 250 mg per oral.
    • Children >27 kg and Adolescents:
      • 500 mg orally 2 to 3 times each day for 10 days; for teenagers, 250 mg four times per day has also been recommended.
  • Chronic carrier treatment (Group A streptococci):

    • Children and Adolescents:

      • In addition to oral rifampin, 50 mg/kg/day per mouth in 4 separate doses for 10 days.
      • 2,000 mg/day is maximum daily dose. 

Penicillin V dose for the prophylaxis of Recurrent rheumatic fever:

  • Children and Adolescents:

    • 250 mg per oral b.i.d daily.

Penicillin V dose for the prophylaxis of Pneumococcal infection in patients with anatomic or functional asplenia (such as sickle cell disease):

  • Infants (as soon as SCD diagnosed or asplenic) and Children <3 years:

    • 125 mg per oral b.i.d daily.
  • Children ≥3 years:

    • 250 mg per oral b.i.d. daily; the choice to stop penicillin prophylaxis in children under the age of 5 who have not developed an invasive pneumococcal infection and have received the required pneumococcal vaccinations depends on the patient and the treating physician.

Treating mild community-acquired Pneumonia or as a stepdown therapy caused by Group A Streptococcus

  • Infants ≥3 months, Children, and Adolescents:

    • 50 to 75 mg/kg/day orally, divided into three or four doses.
    • The daily dose limit is set at 2,000 mg.

Pregnancy Risk Category: B

  • Penicillin can cross the placenta.
  • The probability of negative foetal outcomes as a result of maternal use has not increased.
  • Alternate medicines should be utilised to treat Bacillus anthracis in pregnant women.

Penicillin V potassium use during breastfeeding:

  • Breast milk is where the drug is excreted.
  • The relative infant dose (RID), is 0.6%. It is calculated by using the highest concentration of breast milk and compared with a weight-adjusted maternal daily dosage of 2,640m.
  • When the RID is less than 10, breastfeeding is acceptable.
  • Breast milk has a daily intake of 0.23 mg/kg/day. This is assuming that the highest concentration of milk (1.55mg/l) is used.
  • The peak milk concentration reached at 2-8 hours after receiving a 1,320mg dose. Breast milk half-life ranged between 1 and 3.8 hours for women with mastitis.
  • Some infants who breastfeed may have it in their urine.
  • Breastfeeding infants can experience rash and diarrhea after being exposed to the drug.
  • Monitoring for GI disturbances is therefore essential.
  • Breastfeeding is possible for mothers who are undergoing treatment.

Dose adjustment in renal disease:

The manufacturer's labelling does not mention dosage modifications. Use with caution since people with renal impairment have extended excretion.

Dose adjustment in liver disease:

There are no dosage adjustments provided in manufacturer’s labeling.

Side Effects of Penicillin V potassium:

  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Melanoglossia
    • Mild Diarrhea
    • Nausea
    • Oral Candidiasis
    • Vomiting

Contraindication to Penicillin V potassium:

  • Intolerance to penicillin and any ingredient in the formulation

Warnings and precautions

  • Anaphylactic and hypersensitivity reactions

    • Hypersensitivity reactions that can lead to severe and fatal hypersensitivity reactions are more common in those who have a history either of beta-lactam hypersensitivity, or multiple allergen sensitivity.
    • Asthmatic patients should not use it.
    • Anaphylaxis requires immediate airway protection and supportive management.
  • Superinfection

    • Long-term therapy can be used to treat fungal or bacterial superinfections, such as pseudomembranous and C. difficile-associated diarrhea.
  • Renal impairment

    • Patients with severe renal impairment should be cautious.
  • Seizure disorders:

    • Higher doses of treatment are more likely to cause seizures in patients with renal impairment.

Penicillin V potassium (oral): Drug Interaction

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)


Could raise the serum level of penicillins.

BCG Vaccine (Immunization)

Antibiotics may reduce the BCG vaccine's therapeutic effect (Immunization).

Lactobacillus and Estriol

The therapeutic effects of Lactobacillus and Estriol may be reduced by antibiotics.


Penicillins may raise the level of methotrexate in the serum.


The serum levels of the active metabolite(s) of mycophenolate may drop when penicillins are used. Enterohepatic recirculation appears to be hindered, which has this impact.


OAT1/3 Substrates' serum concentration can rise.


OAT1/3 Substrates' serum concentration can rise.


Could raise the serum level of penicillins.


OAT1/3 Substrates' serum concentration can rise.

Vitamin K Antagonists (eg, warfarin)

The anticoagulant impact of vitamin K antagonists may be strengthened by penicillins.

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modification)

Sodium Picosulfate

Antibiotics may reduce Sodium Picosulfate's therapeutic impact. Management: If a patient previously used or is currently using an antibiotic, think about utilising an alternative product for bowel cleansing prior to a colonoscopy.


May reduce penicillins' therapeutic efficacy.


OAT1/3 Substrates' serum concentration can rise. Treatment: Patients taking the Jynarque brand of tolvaptan should refrain from taking OAT1/3 substrates concurrently. With any combined use, it would be predicted that OAT1/3 substrate concentrations and effects would rise.

Typhoid Vaccine

The Typhoid Vaccine's therapeutic benefits may be reduced by antibiotics. The only strain impacted is the live attenuated Ty21a strain. Treatment: Patients receiving systemic antibacterial drugs should refrain from receiving the live attenuated typhoid vaccination (Ty21a). This vaccine should not be used right away.

Risk Factor X (Avoid combination)

BCG (Intravesical)

Antibiotics may lessen BCG's therapeutic effects (Intravesical).

Cholera Vaccine

The therapeutic benefit of the cholera vaccine may be reduced by antibiotic use. Management: Cholera vaccine should not be administered to individuals taking systemic antibiotics or within 14 days after taking oral or parenteral antibiotics.

Monitoring Parameters:

Testing for hematologic functions testing for renal function during the first dose, keep an eye out for any anaphylactic symptoms

How to administer Penicillin V potassium?

On an empty stomach, one hour before or two hours after meals, it is administered orally around-the-clock to promote less variance in peak and trough serum levels and to improve absorption.

Mechanism of action of Penicillin V potassium:

  • A penicillin-binding protein (PBP) called penicillin V potassium prevents the final transpeptidation stage of the peptidoglycan production process in bacterial cell walls. Cell wall biosynthesis is inhibited as a result of this.
  • Due to the activities of, it also decreases bacterial lysis and the building of cell walls.

Protein binding in the plasma is 80%

Excretion: Urine (as unchanged drug and metabolites)

International Brands of Penicillin V potassium:

  • APO-Pen VK
  • NOVO-Pen-VK [DSC]
  • Pen-VK
  • Anapenil
  • Apocillin
  • Beapen VK
  • Cilicaine VK
  • Fenocin
  • Kaypen
  • P.V.
  • Len V.K.
  • Megacilina Oral
  • Milcopen
  • Oracillin VK
  • Orapen
  • Orvek
  • Ospa-V
  • Ospen
  • P.V.
  • Pen V
  • Pen Ve Oral
  • Pen-Vi-K
  • Penilevel
  • Penoxil
  • Pota-Vi-Kin
  • Prevecilina
  • Robicillin VK
  • Semicillin
  • Sumapen
  • V-Cil-K
  • V-Cillin K
  • Vikadar
  • Weifapenin

Penicillin V potassium Brands in Pakistan:

Phenoxymethylpenicillin Syrup 125 mg/5ml

Penicillin V Lisko Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd
Penicillin V Hizat Pharmaceutical Industries (Pvt) Ltd.


Phenoxymethylpenicillin Suspension 125 mg/5ml

Penisol V.K. Lisko Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd
Penvee Polyfine Chempharma (Pvt) Ltd.


Phenoxymethylpenicillin Suspension 250 mg/5ml

Penvee Polyfine Chempharma (Pvt) Ltd.


Phenoxymethylpenicillin 125 mg Tablets

Penicillin V Lisko Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd


Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250 mg Tablets

Penicillin V Lisko Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd