Premphase - Equine Conjugated Estrogens & Medroxyprogesterone Acetate

Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Premphase) is an estrogen and progestin combination tablet that is used for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis, vasomotor symptoms, and vaginal atrophy.

Equine conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate Uses:

  • Osteoporosis prevention (female):

    • It is indicated for the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
    • Limitations of use: Should be used only where a significantly higher risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  • Vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause:

    • In instances when the vasomotor symptoms of menopause are mild to severe, it is advised for therapy.
  • Vulvar and vaginal atrophy associated with menopause:

    • It is used to treat menopausal-related atrophy of the vulva and vagina.
      Use should be restricted to topical vaginal treatments if just treating vulva and vaginal atrophy.


The term "genitourinary syndrome of menopause" (GSM) has been approved as a new word for vulvovaginal atrophy by both the North American Menopause Society and the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health. All genital and urinary signs and symptoms brought on by a decline in estrogen due to menopause are included in GSM.

  • Guideline recommendations: When progesterone is required, micronized progesterone is preferable over medroxyprogesterone acetate due to safety concerns.

Equine conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate Dose in Adults

Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate General dosing considerations in females:

  • As part of individual-based therapy for treatment objectives, risk factors, and general health, recurrent evaluation should be done for the optimal dose, duration, and mode of administration when used as hormone replacement therapy after menopause.
  • For postmenopausal women with uteruses, combined estrogen/progestin treatment is recommended to lower the risk of endometrial cancer.
  • In general, people who have undergone hysterectomies do not require progestin; however, if endometriosis has a history, one can be required.
  • When progesterone is required, micronized progesterone is preferable over medroxyprogesterone acetate due to safety concerns.

Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Dose in adults:

  • Use as an alternative agent in the treatment of Osteoporosis prevention, vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause, or vulvar and vaginal atrophy associated with menopause:
  • Premphase:

    • Oral: One maroon conjugated estrogen 0.625 mg tablet a day on days 1 through 14 and 1 light blue conjugated estrogen 0.625 mg/MPA 5 mg tablet daily on days 15 through 28
  • Prempro:

    • Oral: One conjugated estrogen/MPA tablet once a day
    • Maximum dose: 1 conjugated estrogen 0.625 mg/MPA 5 mg tablet a day

Note: Menopausal <2 years with an intact uterus can benefit from a cyclic regimen (continuous regimens may be associated with unscheduled bleeding).

Use in Children:

Not indicated.

Pregnancy Risk Category: X

  • Contraindicated during pregnancy
  • When taken in combination with estrogen and progestin, they have no teratogenic effect.

Use during breastfeeding:

  • Breast milk contains progesterone and estrogens.
  • Estrogens reduce the quality and quantity of human milk.
  • Manufacturer recommendation: Lactating women should be cautious

Dose in Kidney disease:

The manufacturer has not provided any dose adjustment in the labeling

Dose in Liver disease:

Contraindicated with hepatic dysfunction/ liver disease.

Common Side Effects of Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Premphase):

  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Abdominal pain
  • Central nervous system:

    • Headache
  • Genitourinary:

    • Mastalgia
    • Dysmenorrhea

Less Common Side Effects of Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Premphase):

  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Nausea
    • Flatulence
    • Increased Appetite
    • Eructation
  • Cardiovascular:

    • Edema
    • Vasodilatation
    • Chest Pain
    • Peripheral Edema
    • Hypertension
    • Palpitations
  • Dermatologic:

    • Pruritus
    • Skin Rash
    • Skin Discoloration
    • Diaphoresis
    • Acne Vulgaris
    • Alopecia
    • Xeroderma
  • Central Nervous System:

    • Depression
    • Dizziness
    • Migraine
    • Pain
    • Emotional Lability
    • Nervousness
    • Anxiety
    • Hypertonia
    • Insomnia
  • Endocrine & Metabolic:

    • Weight Gain
    • Decreased Glucose Tolerance
    • Hypermenorrhea
  • Genitourinary:

    • Vaginal Hemorrhage
    • Vaginitis
    • Breakthrough Bleeding
    • Uterine Spasm
    • Leukorrhea
    • Breast Hypertrophy
    • Pelvic Pain
    • Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
    • Cervical Changes
    • Abnormal Pap Smear
    • Breast Engorgement
    • Urinary Incontinence
  • Hematologic & Oncologic:

    • Malignant Neoplasm Of Breast
  • Neuromuscular & Skeletal:

    • Weakness
    • Back Pain
    • Leg Cramps
  • Infection:

    • Candidiasis
    • Infection
  • Respiratory:

    • Pharyngitis
    • Sinusitis
    • Flu-Like Symptoms

Contraindications to Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Premphase):

  • Angioedema, anaphylactic reaction to estrogen or medroxyprogesterone or any component of formulation
  • Atypical genital bleeding that is not diagnosed
  • DVT or PE (current and/or historical of)
  • Arterial thromboembolic Disease e.g. stroke, MI
  • Breast cancer (known or suspected)
  • A known or suspected estrogen-dependent tumor
  • Hepatic impairment and disease
  • Antithrombin deficiencies, known protein C, and antithrombin deficiencies, as well as other thrombophilic conditions, are all known.
  • Pregnancy.

There is not much evidence of cross-reactivity between estrogens and progestins. Cross-sensitivity is possible due to similarities in chemical structure or pharmacologic effects.

Warnings and precautions

  • Anaphylaxis

    • Anaphylaxis can happen at any stage of therapy. Emergency medical services may be required.
    • Reports of angioedema that can affect the tongue, face, feet, larynx and hands have been made.
  • Breast cancer: [US Boxed Warn]

    • The women health initiative (WHI) has shown that there is an increased chance of breast cancer in women who use MPA acetate and CE. The increased risk of invasive cancer with CE after hysterectomy was not increased by using CE alone.
    • As therapy is stopped, the risk of developing an infection decreases.
    • The type and dosage of estrogen/progestin, timing of therapy initiation, duration, route of administration and patient characteristics all impact the risk.
    • An abnormal mammogram may indicate an increase in breast density. This should be referred for further treatment with estrogen alone or with combination progestin therapy.
    • Patients with breast cancer and bone metastasis may experience severe hypercalcemia. If this happens, discontinue estrogen.
  • Dementia: [US Boxed Warning]

    • The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study, (WHIMS) found that women aged >=65 years old who were taking Conjugate estrogen either alone or in combination was more likely to develop dementia.
    • As the WHI study was conducted on patients >=65, this effect was not observed in younger postmenopausal females.
    • For dementia, hormone therapy is not recommended.
  • Endometrial Cancer: [US Boxed Warn]

    • Endometrial cancer is more likely in women who have unopposed estrogen. The addition of progestin (reduces endometrial hyperplasia), can reduce this risk.
    • If the patient experiences abnormal vaginal bleeding postmenopausal, it is important to have proper testing and endometrial sampling done.
    • It is not possible to compare the risks of natural estrogens and synthetic estrogens.
    • Risk increases with increasing estrogen doses and lengths. The greatest risk is for use over 5 years. This risk may continue after therapy has been discontinued.
  • Endometriosis:

    • Estrogens can exacerbate endometriosis. Patients who have had hysterectomy may experience malignant transformation of their residual endometrium if they are not given estrogen therapy.
    • Women with endometrium after hysterectomy need to be given progestin.
  • The Lipid Effects

    • Estrogen compounds increase HDL-cholesterol, decreased LDL-cholesterol, increases triglycerides with prior hypertriglyceridemia;
    • If you have pancreatitis, discontinue use.
  • Ovarian cancer:

    • Rarely has there been an increase in the risk of ovarian carcinoma after postmenopausal estrogen therapy or estrogen/progestin therapy.
  • Retinal vascular embolism:

    • Estrogen can cause retinal vein thrombosis
    • If the patient experiences vision loss, proptosis or migraine, discontinue immediately. If the patient is suffering from papilledema, retinal vascular lesion or other symptoms, discontinue use immediately.
  • Asthma

    • Asthma can be exacerbated by using caution.
  • Carbohydrate intolerance:

    • This may cause impaired glucose tolerance.
    • Before starting treatment for diabetics, patients should consider their age, metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors.
  • Cardiovascular disease: [US-Boxed Warning]

    • Women's Health Initiative (WHI), studies show that Conjugate Estrogen has a higher risk of stroke and deep vein thrombosis in women aged 50-79. There is also an increased risk for myocardial injury (PE) and pulmonary emboli (MI) in these women.
    • If the patient has other significant cardiovascular risk factors, such as DM, prior VTE, SLE or obesity, discontinue treatment. Take control of the risk factors
    • Transdermal administration has lower risk of thrombotic event and may be preferred to treat vasomotor symptoms during menopause for patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease.
    • Contraindicated in active DVT, PE and arterial thromboembolic diseases (stroke and MI), as well as a history of such conditions.
  • Fluid retention can lead to more severe diseases

    • If the patient has fluid retention, such as cardiac dysfunction or renal dysfunction, be cautious.
  • Epilepsy:

    • Be cautious with epilepsy. It may cause exacerbation.
  • Gallbladder disease

    • Gallbladder disease can be increased by excessive estrogen, especially if used postmenopausally.
  • Hepatic dysfunction

    • Estrogens can alter metabolism and cause hepatic dysfunction.
    • Be cautious if you have a history of cholestatic jaundice, especially if it is associated with pregnancy or estrogen use.
    • If the patient has jaundice, hepatic impairment, or develops jaundice, discontinue treatment
    • Contraindicated for hepatic impairment
  • Hepatic hemomangiomas

    • Be cautious with hepatic hemomangiomas. This could lead to exacerbation
  • Hereditary angioedema:

    • Exogenous estrogens may be used to exacerbate angioedema.
  • Hypoparathyroidism:

    • Hypoparathyroidism should be treated with caution as estrogen-induced hypocalcemia may occur.
  • Migraine

    • Migraine can be severe so use caution.
  • Porphyria

    • Patients with porphyria should be treated cautiously. This could lead to exacerbation.
  • SLE:

    • SLE should be used with caution. Exacerbations could occur

Equine conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate: Drug Interaction

Note: Drug Interaction Categories:

  • Risk Factor C: Monitor When Using Combination
  • Risk Factor D: Consider Treatment Modification
  • Risk Factor X: Avoid Concomitant Use

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

Ajmaline Ajmaline's toxic/adverse effects may be exacerbated by Estrogen Derivatives. Particularly, there may be an increase in the risk of cholestasis.
Anthrax Immune Globulin (Human) Anthrax Immune Globulin (Human) may have a thrombogenic effect due to Estrogen Derivatives.
Antidiabetic Agents Hyperglycemia-Associated Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Antidiabetic Agents.
Ascorbic Acid May increase serum Estrogen Derivatives concentrations.
Broccoli High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum CYP1A2 Substrates concentrations
C1 inhibitors The thrombogenic effects of C1 inhibitors could be enhanced by Estrogen Derivatives.
C1 inhibitors The thrombogenic effects of C1 inhibitors could be enhanced by progestins.
Cannabis High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum CYP1A2 Substrates concentrations
Chenodiol The therapeutic effects of Chenodiol may be diminished by the use of estrogen derivatives. When using chenodiol in combination with estrogen derivatives, be sure to monitor your clinical response.
Choline C 11 Choline C 11's therapeutic effects may be diminished by anti-androgens
CloZAPine CloZAPine serum concentrations may be increased by CYP1A2 inhibitors (Weak). Management: The drug interactions monographs for drugs listed as an exception to this monograph will discuss the management of these drugs.
Corticosteroids (Systemic) Estrogen Derivatives can increase serum levels of Corticosteroids Systemic.
Moderate CYP1A2 Inducers High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum CYP1A2 Substrates concentrations
Moderate CYP3A4 Inducers Could lower serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates (High Risk with Inducers).
Moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors May increase serum Estrogen Derivatives concentrations.
Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors May increase serum levels of MedroxyPROGESTERone. Exceptions: Atazanavir; Cobicistat; Darunavir; Lopinavir; Nelfinavir; Saquinavir.
Cyproterone High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum CYP1A2 Substrates concentrations
Dantrolene Dantrolene's hepatotoxic effects may be increased by Estrogen Derivatives.
Deferasirox Could lower serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates (High Risk with Inducers).
Erdafitinib Could lower serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates (High Risk with Inducers).
Flibanserin Flibanserin can be increased by contraceptives and progestins.
Herbs (Estrogenic Properties) May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Estrogen Derivatives.
Herbs with Progestogenic Properties (eg Bloodroot, Yucca). Progestins may have an adverse/toxic effect that can be increased.
Immune Globulin The thrombogenic effects of Immune Globulin may be enhanced by Estrogen Derivatives.
LamoTRIgine May lower the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive).
LamoTRIgine The serum level of LamoTRIgine may be decreased by Estrogen Derivatives
Lenalidomide The thrombogenic effects of Lenalidomide may be enhanced by Estrogen Derivatives.
Metreleptin May lower the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive). Metreleptin can increase the serum Progestins concentration (Contraceptive).
Mivacurium The serum concentrations of Mivacurium may be increased by Estrogen Derivatives.
Nalmefene MedroxyPROGESTERone can increase Nalmefene serum concentrations.
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents COX-2 Selective May increase the thrombogenic effects of EstrogenDerivatives. The serum Estrogen Derivatives concentration may be increased by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (COX-2 Selective).
Pegloticase This may reduce the therapeutic effects of PEGylated Drug Products.
Pegvaliase MedroxyPROGESTERone could increase the toxic/adverse effects of Pegvaliase. Particularly, hypersensitivity reactions or anaphylaxis may increase.
ROPINIRole The serum concentrations of ROPINIRole may be increased by Estrogen Derivatives.
Sarilumab Could lower serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates (High Risk with Inducers).
Selegiline The serum concentrations of Selegiline may be increased by contraceptives (progestins).
Siltuximab Could lower serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates (High Risk with Inducers).
Succinylcholine The serum concentrations of succinylcholine may be increased by Estrogen Derivatives.
Teriflunomide High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum CYP1A2 Substrates concentrations
Thalidomide Thalidomide's thrombogenic effects may be enhanced by contraceptives (progestins).
Thalidomide Thalidomide may have a thrombogenic effect that Estrogen Derivatives can enhance.
Theophylline Derivatives The serum concentrations of Theophylline Derivatives could be increased by Estrogen Derivatives. Dyphylline is an exception.
Thyroid Products Thyroid products may be less effective if they contain Estrogen Derivatives.
Tocilizumab Could lower serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates (High Risk with Inducers).
Ursodiol The therapeutic effects of Ursodiol may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives.
Voriconazole Progestins (Contraceptive) may increase serum concentrations. The serum concentration of Voriconazole may be increased by Progestins (Contraceptive).

Risk Factor D (Keep in mind therapy modification)

Acitretin Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure. Management: Progestin-only products may not prevent pregnancy. A variety of nonhormonal contraceptives should be used during acitretin treatment.
Anticoagulants Anticoagulant effects of Anticoagulants may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives. More specifically, some estrogens and progestin/estrogen combinations can have prothrombotic side effects that may counteract anticoagulant properties. Management: Consider the potential benefits of estrogens in relation to the increased risk of thromboembolism and procoagulant effects. Some circumstances may make estrogens contraindicated. For more information, refer to the guidelines.
Anticoagulants Anticoagulants may be less effective when used in combination with progestins. Progestin-estrogen combination and some progestins may have prothrombotic side effects that could counteract anticoagulant properties. Management: Consider the pros and cons of progestins in relation to the possible increased risk of thromboembolism or procoagulant effects. Some circumstances may make progestins contraindicated. For more information, refer to the guidelines.
Aprepitant May cause a decrease in serum progestin levels (Contraceptive). Management: Alternative or additional methods of contraception should be used both during treatment with aprepitant or fosaprepitant and for at least one month following the last aprepitant/fosaprepitant dose.
Artemether Could lower serum levels of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: All women with childbearing potential that are currently using artemether should consider a non-hormonal method of contraception.
Atazanavir May increase serum levels of Progestins (Contraceptive). Atazanavir can reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptive medications and ethinyl ester concentrations. Management: You may consider an alternative or additional method to contraception, especially if you are using combined estrogen/progestin products. You may use depot medroxyprogesteronecetate without the need for additional contraception.
Barbiturates Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure. Management: It is recommended to use nonhormonal contraceptives.
Bexarotene (Systemic) May lower the serum concentrations of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: Bexarotene-treated women with childbearing potential should use at least two forms of reliable contraception, including one that is nonhormonal.
Bile Acid Sequestrants May cause a decrease in serum progestin levels (Contraceptive). Administration: Oral progestin-containing contraceptives should be administered at least one to four hours before or after the administration of a sequestrant bile acid.
Bosentan Can decrease serum progestin levels (Contraceptive). Management: All women with childbearing potential using bosentan should use an alternative, or non-hormonal, method of contraception. Do not rely solely on hormonal contraceptives.
Brigatinib Can decrease serum progestin levels (Contraceptive). Management: Females with childbearing potential should consider using a non-hormonal contraceptive for at least four months following the last brigatinib treatment.
CarBAMazepine Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure. Management: It is recommended to use nonhormonal contraceptives.
Carfilzomib Progestins may increase the risk of thrombogenic effects (Contraceptive). Treatment: Patients who are undergoing carfilzomib therapy should consider other, non-hormonal contraceptive methods.
Cladribine This may reduce the therapeutic effects of Hormonal contraceptives. Management: Women who use hormonal contraceptives that systemically act should be aware of the need to add a barrier method for at least four weeks following each dose.
CloBAZam May lower the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive).
Cobicistat Increased serum levels of Progestins (Contraceptive) may be possible. Treatment: Patients who are cobicistat-containing should consider an alternative contraceptive. Drospirenone is contraindicated when taken with cobicistat and atazanavir.
Cosyntropin The diagnostic value of Cosyntropin may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives. Management: Stop using estrogen-containing drugs for 4 to 6 weeks before you undergo cosyntropin testing (ACTH).
Strong CYP3A4 Inducers May increase metabolism of CYP3A4 substrates (High Risk with Inducers). Management: You may consider a different drug to replace one of the interacting drugs. Some combinations might be contraindicated. Consult appropriate manufacturer labeling.
Dabrafenib High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum CYP3A4 substrates. Management: If possible, seek alternatives to the CYP3A4 substrate. Concomitant therapy should be avoided if possible. Monitor the clinical effects of the substrate carefully (especially therapeutic effects).
Dabrafenib May lower the serum concentrations of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: Females with reproductive potential should consider an alternative, highly effective, nonhormonal method of contraception. This can be used during or after at least 2 weeks (dabrafenib only) or 4 months (dabrafenib and trametinib combined). After discontinuation of dabrafenib, it is recommended that they use this method.
Darunavir The serum concentration of Progestins may be decreased (Contraceptive). Management: You may consider using another method of contraception. You may use injectable depot medroxyprogesteronecetate acetate without the need for additional contraception.
Efavirenz Could cause a decrease in serum levels of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: Consider using an alternative or more effective method of contraception to reduce the effectiveness of your contraceptive. This interaction does not appear to be possible with injectable depot medroxyprogesterone.
Enzalutamide High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates. Management: Avoid concurrent use of enzalutamide and CYP3A4 substrates with a narrow therapeutic index. You should exercise caution when using enzalutamide or any other CYP3A4 sub-substance.
Eslicarbazepine Could lower the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: Women with child-bearing potential should consider other, non-hormonal methods of birth control.
Felbamate May cause a decrease in serum Progestins levels (Contraceptive). Management: It is possible to have contraceptive failure. It is possible to use a nonhormonal contraceptive method.
Fosamprenavir Fosamprenavir may be decreased by contraceptives and progestins. Fosamprenavir can decrease serum concentrations of Progestins. Management: You may consider using another method of contraception. You may use injectable depot medroxyprogesteronecetate acetate without the need for additional contraception.
Fosaprepitant May cause a decrease in serum Progestins (Contraceptive). This effect is most likely due to the active metabolite, aprepitant. Management: Alternative or additional methods of contraception should be used both during treatment with aprepitant or fosaprepitant and for at least one month following the last aprepitant/fosaprepitant dose.
Fosphenytoin Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure. Management: Contraceptive Failure is possible. It is advised to use a nonhormonal contraceptive.
Hyaluronidase Hyaluronidase's therapeutic effects may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives. Treatment: Hyaluronidase may not be effective in patients who are taking estrogens, especially at higher doses. Higher doses of hyaluronidase might be necessary.
Ivosidenib Progestins may be reduced in the serum (Contraceptive). Treatment: Patients receiving ivosidenib should consider other methods of contraception, i.e. non-hormonal.
Lesinurad Could lower the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive). Patients who are being treated with Lesinurad should consider a nonhormonal contraceptive if they desire to use effective contraception.
Lixisenatide Could cause a decrease in serum Progestin levels (Contraceptive). Administration: Oral contraceptives should be administered at least one hour before, or 11 hours after, administration of lixisenatide.
Lopinavir May lower the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive). Lopinavir can increase the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: You may consider using another method of contraception. You can use etonogestrel and depot medroxyprogesterone Acetate injections without the need for additional contraception.
Lorlatinib High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates. Management: Do not use lorlatinib concurrently with any CYP3A4 Substrates. Even a slight decrease in serum concentrations could cause therapeutic failure or serious clinical consequences.
Lumacaftor The serum concentration of Progestins may be decreased (Contraceptive). Management: Do not rely on hormone-based contraceptives with concurrent use of lumacaftor/ivacaftor; an alternative, non-hormonal, method of contraception should be used if this combination is required.
MiFEPRIStone May decrease the therapeutic effects of Progestins. MiFEPRIStone can increase serum Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: Women with childbearing potential need to use a nonhormonal, effective contraceptive during and after mifepristone treatment.
Mitotane High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates. Treatment: Patients receiving mitotane may require significant adjustments in the dosage of CYP3A4 Substrates.
Mycophenolate Progestins may be reduced in the blood (Contraceptive). Management: It is recommended to consider a nonhormonal method of contraception.
Nelfinavir Could cause a decrease in serum levels of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: Consider using an alternative or more effective method of contraception to reduce the effectiveness of your contraceptive. This interaction does not appear to be possible with injectable depot medroxyprogesterone.
Nevirapine Progestins may be reduced in the serum (Contraceptive). Patients receiving nevirapine should be instructed to use an alternate or nonhormonal contraceptive. Nevirapine product labeling however suggests that depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate may be used as a sole method of contraception.
Oxcarbazepine May cause a decrease in serum Progestin levels (Contraceptive). Management: It is possible to have contraceptive failure. It is recommended to use a nonhormonal contraceptive method as an alternative.
Perampanel May cause a decrease in serum levels of Progestins (Contraceptive). Treatment: Patients should consider a nonhormonal contraceptive for the duration of perampanel use and up to one month after stopping it.
Phenytoin Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure. Management: Contraceptive Failure is possible. It is recommended to use a nonhormonal contraceptive.
Pitolisant Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). Management: Avoid using hormonal contraceptives that combine pitolisant and hormonal contraceptives. Instead, you should use an alternative method of contraception.
Pitolisant High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates Management: Avoid combining pitolisant and a CYP3A4 substrat with a low therapeutic index. Pitolisant should not be combined with other CYP3A4 sub-substances.
Pomalidomide Estrogen Derivatives may increase the risk of thrombogenic effects. Management: The Canadian pomalidomide labeling advises caution when using hormone replacement therapy. It also states that hormonal contraceptives should not be used. These recommendations are not included in the US pomalidomide labeling.
Pomalidomide Pomalidomide's thrombogenic effects may be enhanced by progestins. Management: The Canadian Pomalidomide Labeling advises caution when using hormone replacement therapy. It also states that hormonal contraceptives should not be used. These recommendations are not included in the US pomalidomide labeling.
Primidone Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure. Management: It is recommended to use nonhormonal contraceptives.
Retinoic Acid Derivatives Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). The serum concentration of Progestins can be decreased by Retinoic Acid derivatives (Contraceptive). Patients who are taking retinoic acid derivatives should use two forms of effective contraception. Microdosed progesterone-only formulations might not be as effective, in particular. Exceptions: Adapalene; Bexarotene (Topical); Tretinoin (Topical).
Rifamycin Derivatives May cause a decrease in serum Progestin levels (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure. Management: Contraceptive Failure is possible. It is recommended to use a nonhormonal contraceptive.
Saquinavir Could cause a decrease in serum levels of Progestins (Contraceptive). Management: Consider using an alternative or more effective method of contraception to reduce the effectiveness of your contraceptive. This interaction does not appear to be possible with injectable depot medroxyprogesterone.
Somatropin Somatropin's therapeutic effects may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives. This is a concern for women who use oral hormone replacement therapy after menopause. Management: Watch out for a decrease in growth hormone efficacy. To reach the treatment goal, a higher dose of somatropin may be necessary. This interaction appears to not apply to non-orally administered estrogens, such as transdermal or vaginal rings.
St John's Wort Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). Contraceptive failure can occur. Management: You might consider using another product than St John's Wort. It is possible to have a contraceptive fail. It is possible to use a nonhormonal contraceptive.
St John's Wort High risk of Inducers causing a decrease in serum CYP3A4 Substrates. Management: You may consider a different drug to replace one of the interacting drugs. Some combinations might be contraindicated. Consult appropriate manufacturer labeling.
Sugammadex The serum concentration of Progestins may be decreased (Contraceptive). Treatment: Patients who have received any hormonal contraceptive (oral and non-oral), should continue to use a nonhormonal contraceptive method for at least 7 days after sugammadex treatment.
Tipranavir Tipranavir's dermatologic side effects may be exacerbated by Estrogen Derivatives. The combination of tipranavir/ritonavir and ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone was associated with a high incidence of skin rash. Tipranavir can lower the serum Estrogen Derivatives concentration. Management: Women who use hormonal contraceptives need to consider non-hormonal contraceptives.
Tipranavir Increased serum levels of Progestins may be a contraceptive. Management: Consider using an alternative or more effective method of contraception to reduce the effectiveness of your contraceptive. This interaction does not appear to be possible with injectable depot medroxyprogesterone.
TiZANidine CYP1A2 Inhibitors, Weak, may increase serum TiZANidine concentrations. These combinations should be avoided whenever possible. Begin tizanidine in adults at 2 mg. Then, increase the dose according to patient response. Be aware of any adverse reactions and increased effects of tizanidine.
Topiramate May cause a decrease in serum Progestins levels (Contraceptive). Patients should be aware that this combination can reduce contraceptive effectiveness. You may want to consider adding a non-hormonal contraceptive method.
Vitamin K antagonists (eg warfarin) Vitamin K Antagonists may be affected by contraceptives, such as estrogens. Some products have shown enhanced anticoagulant properties. Management: Concomitant hormonal contraceptives or coumarin derivatives should not be used if possible to avoid thromboembolic complications. You might consider using a nonhormonal contraceptive.

Risk Factor X (Avoid Combination)

Anastrozole Anastrozole's therapeutic effects may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives.
Dehydroepiandrosterone May increase the toxic/adverse effects of Estrogen Derivatives.
Encorafenib May lower the serum level of Progestins (Contraceptive).
Exemestane Exemestane's therapeutic effects may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives.
Griseofulvin Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect (Contraceptive). It is possible to have contraceptive failure.
Hemin Hemin's therapeutic effects may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives
Indium 111 Capromab Pendetide Indium 111 Capromab Pendetide may be less effective in diagnosing a condition known as Estrogen Derivatives.
Indium 111 Capromab Pendetide Antiandrogens can reduce the diagnostic effectiveness of Indium 111 Capromab Pendetide.
Ixazomib May lower the serum concentrations of Progestins (Contraceptive). Particularly, ixazomib combined with dexamethasone can decrease serum progestin levels. Treatment: Women with childbearing potential must use a nonhormonal contraceptive for at least 90 days after ixazomib treatment.
Ospemifene Ospemifene's toxic/adverse effects may be increased by Estrogen Derivatives. Ospemifene's therapeutic effects may be diminished by Estrogen Derivatives.
Tranexamic acid Tranexamic Acid may increase the risk of thrombosis by using contraceptives (progestins).
Ulipristal Progestins may have a lower therapeutic effect. The therapeutic effect of Ulipristal may be diminished by progestins. Management: Ulipristal to treat uterine fibroids (Canadian indication); avoid progestins for 12 days after stopping ulipristal. As an emergency contraceptive (U.S. indicated), avoid progestins for 5 days after stopping ulipristal.

Monitoring parameters:

  • Before therapy, baseline risk for breast cancer and Cerebrovascular disease.
  • During therapy, breast, and pelvic examination;
  • Blood pressure;
  • Unscheduled bleeding lasting >6 months for endometrial pathology (sooner in patients who are obese, diabetic, or have a history of endometrial cancer);
  • Serum triglycerides (2 weeks after starting therapy in patients with baseline level >200 mg/dL);
  • TSH (6 - 12 weeks after starting oral therapy in patients taking thyroid replacement)

Menopausal symptoms:

  • Efficacy beginning 1 to 3 months after starting therapy, then every 6 to 12 months as appropriate. Duration of treatment should be evaluated at least annually.

Note: FSH and serum estradiol monitoring is not useful when managing vasomotor symptoms or GSM. Prevention of osteoporosis:

  • Bone density measurement

How to administer Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Premphase)?

Administer at the same time each day.

Mechanism of action of Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Premphase):

See individual agents (Equine Conjugated Estrogens and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate)

International Brand Names of Equine conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate:

  • Premphase
  • Prempro
  • Premplus
  • Climatrol HT Ciclico
  • Climatrol HT Continuo
  • Climopax
  • Climopax Cyclo
  • Novafac
  • Novafac 30
  • Novafac CC
  • Novofac CC
  • Plentiva
  • Plentiva Cycle
  • Premelle
  • Premelle Ciclico
  • Premelle Continuo
  • Premelle Cycle
  • Premelle Cycle 5
  • Premelle LD
  • Premelle Lite
  • Premelle Right
  • Premia
  • Premia Continuous
  • Premique
  • Prempro Monofascio
  • Repogen Conti
  • Selecta

Equine conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate Brand Names in Pakistan:

No Brands Available in Pakistan.