Riluzole (Rilutek - Sanofi) - Uses, Dose, Side effects

Riluzole is available by the brand name of Rilutek (marketed by Sanofi Aventis), among others. The exact mechanism of the drug is not known.

Riluzole (Rilutek - Sanofi) Uses:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:

    • It is used in the treatment of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
    • Riluzole may extend survival and/or the time to tracheostomy

Riluzole (Rilutek) Dose in Adults

Riluzole (Rilutek) Dose in the treatment of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS):

  • 50 mg orally two times a day.

Riluzole (Rilutek) Dose in Children

Not applicable

Pregnancy Risk Category: D

  • Negative events were observed in animal reproduction studies.

Use of iluzole while breastfeeding

  • It is unknown if the drug will be excreted into breastmilk.
  • Breastfeeding women should not be exposed to the drug.

Riluzole dose in Renal disease:

The manufacturer has not recommended any adjustments in the dose in patients with renal disease.

Riluzole dose in liver disease:

  • Although the manufacturer has not made any adjustments to the dosage, you should still use it with caution.
  • Patients with higher than five times the normal hepatic enzyme levels at baseline should avoid it.
  • If hepatic dysfunction develops during treatment, the treatment must be stopped immediately.

Common Side Effects of Riluzole (Rilutek):

  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Nausea
  • Neuromuscular & skeletal:

    • Weakness

Less Common Side Effects of Riluzole:

  • Cardiovascular:

    • Hypertension
    • Peripheral Edema
    • Tachycardia
  • Central Nervous System:

    • Dizziness
    • Drowsiness
    • Vertigo
    • Malaise
  • Dermatologic:

    • Pruritus
    • Eczema
    • Exfoliative Dermatitis
  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Abdominal Pain
    • Vomiting
    • Flatulence
    • Oral Paresthesia
    • Dental Caries
    • Oral Candidiasis
    • Stomatitis
  • Genitourinary:

    • Urinary Tract Infection
    • Dysuria
  • Hepatic:

    • Increased Liver Enzymes
  • Neuromuscular & Skeletal:

    • Arthralgia
    • Tremor
  • Respiratory:

    • Decreased Lung Function
    • Cough

Contraindications to Riluzole (Rilutek):

  • Allergy reactions to riluzole and any component of this formulation
  • Liver disease and serum transaminases more than 3x the ULN at baseline
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding

Warnings and precautions

  • Depression in the CNS:

    • It can cause CNS depression, manifested as somnolence or drowsiness.
    • The drug should not be used on patients who are using heavy machinery or have mental alertness.
  • Hepatic effects

    • Hepatotoxicity can occur and may prove fatal.
    • During the initial three months of therapy, liver enzymes can be deranged.
    • Patients with liver enzymes greater than 5x the normal upper limit must stop taking the medication.
    • For the first three months, it is important to monitor liver enzymes monthly and then every other month thereafter.
    • If hepatic dysfunction develops, the treatment must be stopped immediately.
  • Neutropenia

    • During the first two months of therapy, there may be severe neutropenia (less than 500/mm3).
    • If a patient has a fever or any other symptoms of infection, he/she should be evaluated and monitored regularly.
  • Pulmonary disorders

    • ILD (interstitial pulmonary disease) and HSP (hypersensitivity pneumonia) have been reported. 
    • If ILD is suspected, treatment should be stopped immediately.
  • Hepatic impairment

    • Patients with liver disease should be cautious.

Riluzole: Drug Interaction

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

CYP1A2 Inducers (Moderate)

May decrease the serum concentration of Riluzole.

Tobacco (Smoked)

May decrease the serum concentration of Riluzole.


  • Liver enzymes before and during the treatment.
  • Clinical features of liver injury for the first three months and periodically thereafter.

How to administer Riluzole (Rilutek)?

  • Orally, it is best to administer it. 
  • It should be taken orally at the same time as a meal, either one hour before or after it.
  • Before the suspension is administered, it should be shaken vigorously for at least 30 seconds.

Mechanism of action of Riluzole (Rilutek):

  • It is unknown what the drug does. 
  • It inhibits excitatory neurotransmitters like glutamate and inactivates voltage-gated sodium channels.
  • Interference with intracellular events that occur after the binding of excitatory neurons is also possible.


  • Suspension High-fat meals reduce absorption (AUC drops by 9%, peak blood levels by 55%).
  • Tablets High-fat meals reduce the absorption of tablets (the AUC is decreased by 20% and peak blood levels are reduced by 45%).

Plasma protein binding96% of the protein is bound to proteins, most notably to albumin and lipoproteins. Time to get there

Peak serum concentration It takes 0.8 hours to suspend.

MetabolismCYP1A2 & UGT-HP4 are the methods by which it is metabolized in the liver

Bioavailability After oral administration: Absolute: 60%

Eliminating half-life: 12 hours

Excretion: Urine (90%, 2% as an unchanged drug) and feces (5%).

International Brands of Riluzole:

  • Rilutek
  • Tiglutik
  • APO-Riluzole
  • MYLAN-Riluzole;
  • Borizol
  • Laidec
  • Rilutan
  • Rilutek
  • Sclefic
  • Teglutik
  • Xie Yi Li

Riluzole Brand Names in Pakistan:

No Brands Available in Pakistan.