Adrenal insufficency

Author: Maria     Published: 3 years ago 2 Replies

What are the clinical and laboratory differences in primary and secondary adrenal insufficency?

Primary adrenal insufficiency  Secondary adrenal insufficiency 
Clinical Differences   
Hyperpigmentation as ACTH levels high no hyperpigmenation
Patient appears dehydrated  patient may appear edematous due to hypothyroidism 
Decreased libido Amenorrhea, scanty public and axillary hair, small testicles
Hypotension more profound Hypotension
Hypoglycaemia  Hypoglycaemia more profound 
Salt craving No salt craving 
No polyurea Polyurea( diabetes insipidus)
Laboratory Differences   
ACTH high ACTH low
Hyperkalemia Potassium normal
Hyponatremia Na decreased or normal
Renin increased renin normal
Other pituitary hormone levels normal  other pituitary hormone levels decreased
Aldosterone decreased Aldosterone normal


Sidra Rauf (House Officer), 3 years ago

Nicely summarized 👍

Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 3 years ago

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