Fluid Management

Author: owner     Published: 2 years ago 1 Replies

What percentage of fluid is retained in the intravascular compartment if you infuse the following solutions?

  • 5% Dextrose Water
  • 0.9% Saline
  • 20% Albumin

If 1000 ml of dextrose water is infused

2/3 will go into intracellular space : 660 ml

1/3 in extracellular  space : 330 ml

Out of this 330 ml, 2/3  will go into interstitium and 1/3 intravascular. 

So fluid going into interstitium: 220 ml

Fluid going intravascular: 110 ml


110/1000 ×100 : 11%

So 11% of dextrose water is retained intravascular.


If 1000 ml of normal saline is infused:.

N/S has 154 mmol/L of Na which is extracellular ion so the fluid will be distracted in extracellular compartment. 


2/3 in interstitium :660 ml

1/3 intravascular: 330 ml


330/1000×100 : 33%


So 33 % of fluid will be retained intravascularly.


If 20% albumin is infused:

albumin will exert oecotic pressure and will keep fluid in intravascular space until colloid particles are removed by reticuloendothelial system. So infusion of 1 liter of colloid like albumin will add 1 liter to intravascularly space. 

Sidra Rauf (House Officer), 2 years ago

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