What is the recommended serum phosphate level in patients with acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease?
Why is high phosphate level harmful to the body?
Based on KDIGO and KDOQI guidelines the target Phosphate levels are as follows:
Chronic Kidney Disease:
Dietary restriction goal is <4.5 mg/dl
Phosphate binders goal is <5.5 mg/dl
Acute Kidney Injury:
Goal is <5.5 mg/dl
Acute Hyperphosphatemia may lead to hypocalcemia (positive trousseau, chvostek sign, hyperreflexia, carpopedal spasm, seizures)
Chronic Hyperphosphatemia may lead to
1) Increased incidence of aortic and mitral stenosis
2) Peripheral arterial disease
3) Hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy