Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) - Uses, Dosage, Side effects

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) is an anabolic androgenic synthetic steroid. It is five times more potent than natural methyltestosterone.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Uses:

  • Metastatic breast cancer in females:

    • It is suggested as a salvage treatment for postmenopausal women with inoperable metastatic breast cancer.
  • Delayed puberty in males:

    • For the treatment of delayed puberty in males as a replacement therapy.
  • Hypogonadism in males:

    • For the treatment of primary or secondary hypogonadism in males.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in Adults

Note: In the US, androxy has been withdrawn for more than a year.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in the treatment of metastatic Breast cancer in females: 

  • Manufacturer labeling:

    • 10 to 40 mg orally once  day in divided doses for 3 months or more.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in the treatment of Delayed puberty in males:

  • 2.5 to 20 mg orally daily for 4 - 6 months

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in the treatment of primary or secondary (hypogonadotropic) Hypogonadism in males:

  • 5 to 20 mg orally once a day.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in Childrens

Note: Androxy is no more available in the US (It has been discontinued in the US for more than a year).

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in the treatment of Delayed puberty:

  • Adolescent Males:

    • In general, refrain from using it on anyone under the age of 14.
    • Usual range:
      • 2.5 mg to 10 mg orally daily.
      • The dosage can be given either all at once or in split doses.
    • The reported range:
      • 2.5 to 20 mg per day.
    • A daily dose of 2.5 mg for 6 to 60 months (depending on the clinical response) is recommended by most experts.
    • With concomitant testosterone therapy, the response may be evaluated every 3 - 6 months and the dose titrated if required.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in the treatment of Male hypogonadism:

  • Children older than 12 years and Adolescents:

    • 2.5 to 20 mg orally daily.
    • For four to six months, the dose may be given once daily or in divided doses.
    • To prevent rapid over-virilization, initiate the treatment at a lower dose, and titrate the dose gradually upwards.
  • Dosing adjustment for toxicity:

    • Children older than 12 years and Adolescents:

      • Edema:
        • Reinitiate the treatment at a lower dose, if the drug was stopped because of edema.
      • Hypogonadism in adult males:
        • Hematocrit (HCT) greater than 50%:
          • Avoid its use.
        • if HCT greater than 54% during therapy:
          • Discontinue treatment until the hematocrit falls to a safe level.
          • Assess for hypoxemia and sleep apnea
        • Reinitiate at a reduce dose.

Pregnancy Risk Factor X


  • It is not recommended for pregnant women and women who are at risk of becoming pregnant.
  • It has been linked to clitoral hypertrophy and labial fusion in pregnancy, as well as vaginal atresia and ambiguous female genitalia.

Fluoxymesterone use during breastfeeding:

  • It is unknown if the drug will be excreted into breastmilk.
  • Manufacturers recommend that you stop taking the drug and/or breastfeed to evaluate the risks and benefits of therapy.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in Kidney Disease:

  • Use with caution.
  • The manufacturer has not recommended any adjustments in the dose.

Fluoxymesterone (Androxy) Dose in Liver disease:

  • Hepatic impairment before treatment initiation:

    • Use with caution.
    • The manufacturer has not recommended any adjustments in the dose.
  • Hepatic impairment during treatment:

    • Discontinue the treatment if the patient develops cholestatic hepatitis with jaundice or has abnormal liver functions.

Side effects of Fluoxymesterone (Androxy):

  • Cardiovascular:

    • Edema
  • Central Nervous System:

    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Headache
    • Paresthesia
  • Dermatologic:

    • Acne Vulgaris
    • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • Endocrine & Metabolic:

    • Change In Libido (Decreased Libido Or Increased Libido)
    • Electrolyte Disturbance (Calcium
    • Chloride
    • Inorganic Phosphate
    • Potassium
    • And Sodium Retention)
    • Fluid Retention
    • Gynecomastia (Males)
    • Hirsutism
    • Hypercholesterolemia
    • Menstrual Disease (Females; Including Amenorrhea)
  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Gastrointestinal Irritation
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
  • Genitourinary:

    • Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (Males)
    • Oligospermia (Males; At Higher Doses)
    • Priapism (Males)
    • Testicular Atrophy (Males)
    • Virilization (Females; Including Clitoromegaly
    • Deepening Of The Voice In Females)
  • Hematologic & Oncologic:

    • Clotting Factors Suppression
    • Polycythemia
    • Prostate Carcinoma (Males)
  • Hepatic:

    • Abnormal Hepatic Function Tests
    • Cholestatic Jaundice
    • Hepatic Insufficiency
  • Hypersensitivity:

    • Anaphylactoid Reaction (Non-Immunologic Anaphylaxis)
    • Hypersensitivity Reaction

Contraindications to Fluoxymesterone (Androxy):

  • Patients with prostate or breast cancer in men
  • Females and pregnant women who could become pregnant.

Warnings and precautions

  • Dyslipidemia:

    • Anabolic steroids can adversely affect the lipid profile. Patients with ischemic heart disease should not use it.
  • Gynecomastia

    • Gynecomastia may develop from prolonged use.
  • Hepatic effects

    • High doses of oral estrogens can have serious adverse liver effects. These include jaundice, hepatic tumors and peliosis.
    • If the patient experiences cholestatasis, abnormal liver function tests or other symptoms, discontinue treatment.
  • Carbohydrate intolerance:

    • Patients with diabetes and prediabetes should use it with caution due to its effects on glucose tolerance.
  • Conditions that are edematous:

    • Fluid retention can occur and should be avoided in patients who are at risk of fluid overload, such as those suffering from renal failure or heart failure.
  • Heart failure:

    • Patients with hypogonadism or poorly controlled or uncontrolled cardiac failure should avoid it.
  • Hepatic impairment

    • Patients with liver disease should use it with caution.
  • Hypercalcemia:

    • It can stimulate osteolysis and cause hypercalcemia.
    • Patients with breast cancer and women who are immobilized should be cautious about using it because of the risk of hypercalcemia. 
    • Assess for bony metastasis if hypercalcemia is suspected.
  • Renal impairment

    • Patients with impaired renal function should not use it.
    • This should not be done in hypogonadism males who have symptoms of lower bladder obstruction and an IPSS score of greater than 19.
  • Sleep Apnea

    • It is not recommended to treat hypogonadism among male patients suffering from severe obstructive sleeping apnea.

Fluoxymesterone: Drug Interaction

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)


Ajmaline's harmful or toxic effects may be increased by androgens. In particular, there may be an elevated risk for cholestasis.

Blood Glucose Lowering Agents

Blood Glucose Lowering Agents' hypoglycemic effects may be strengthened by androgens.

C1 inhibitors

The thrombogenic action of C1 inhibitors may be strengthened by androgens.
could make androgens' fluid-retention action stronger.

Corticosteroids (Systemic)

CycloSPORINE's hepatotoxic effects may be enhanced by androgens (Systemic).

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modification)

CycloSPORINE (Systemic)

CycloSPORINE serum levels may rise in response to androgens (Systemic).

Vitamin K Antagonists (eg, warfarin)

The anticoagulant action of vitamin K antagonists may be strengthened by androgens.


Monitoring parameters:

  • Liver function tests 
  • lipid profile
  • Serum glucose levels in diabetic patients
  • Hematocrit and haemoglobin levels were measured at baseline and again on occasion throughout treatment. When used as part of androgen-replacement treatment in men, haemoglobin and hematocrit may be checked at baseline, at three to six months, and then once a year after that.
  • Monitor urinary and serum calcium and the clinical features of virilization in females who are being treated for breast cancer.
  • In prepubertal males, monitor the bone age by examining the x-rays of the wrists and hands every 6 months.
  • Monitor the response to treatment and its side effects at 3 to 6 months intervals initially and then annually thereafter in males.
  • Monitor for edema, sleep apnea, and signs of heart failure.

How to administer Fluoxymesterone (Androxy)?

  • It can be given to men either all at once or in divided doses.
  • Give the medication in divided doses to females.

Mechanism of action of Fluoxymesterone (Androxy):

  • It is a synthetic version oftestosteroneThis is responsible for the growth and development of secondary sexual characteristics and male sex organs.
  • It suppresses testosterone's endogenous production when taken in large amounts.


  • Rapid

Protein binding:

  • 98%


  • It is metabolized by the liver the enterohepatic circulation.

Half-life elimination:

  • 10 hours (range: 10-100 minutes)


  • Urine (90%);
  • feces (6%)

International Brands of Fluoxymesterone:

  • Androxy
  • Afluteston
  • Baojen
  • Fuloan
  • Halotestin
  • Oralsterone
  • Sidomon
  • Vewon

Fluoxymesterone Brand Names in Pakistan:

No Brands Available in Pakistan.