Homatropine Eye Drops - Uses, Dose, MOA, Brands, Side effects

Homatropine is a medication that is used primarily as an eye drop to dilate the pupil (mydriasis) and temporarily paralyze the focusing muscle of the eye (cycloplegia). It belongs to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics.

Homatropine is often used in ophthalmology for various diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, such as during eye examinations to facilitate the examination of the retina or to prepare the eye for surgery. By dilating the pupil and preventing the eye from focusing, it allows the eye care professional to get a better view of the interior structures of the eye.

Homatropine Eye Drops are used to produce mydriasis as in patients undergoing refractory surgery. It is also used in patients with uveitis.

Homatropine Eye Drops Uses:

  • Mydriasis and cycloplegia for refraction:
    • It is used to produce mydriasis before and after surgery (producing cycloplegia and mydriasis for refraction).
  • Optical aid:
    • It may be used as an optical aid in cases of axial lens opacities.
  • Uveitis:
    • It is used to treat the inflammatory conditions of the uveal tract.

Homatropine Dose in Adults

Note: Patients with heavily pigmented irides may require higher doses.

Homatropine Dose in the treatment of Refraction:

  • When treating Refraction (checking how well your eyes can focus), the recommended dose is using a 2% or 5% solution.
  • You put 1 to 2 drops into the eye that needs treatment.
  • If needed, you can repeat this every 5 to 10 minutes.

Homatropine eye drops Dose in the treatment of Uveitis:

  • The typical dose of Homatropine is an ophthalmic (eye) solution containing either 2% or 5% of the medication.
  • The recommended usage is to apply 1 to 2 drops into the affected eye(s) every 3 to 4 hours.

Homatropine Dose in Cildrens

Note: Patients with heavily pigmented irides may require higher doses.

Homatropine dose in the treatment of Mydriasis and cycloplegia for refraction:

For infants (3 months and older), children, and adolescents:

  • Use a 5% solution.
  • Put 1 to 2 drops into the eye or eyes right before the procedure.
  • If needed, you can repeat this once in 5 to 10 minutes.

Homatropine eye drops dose in the treatment of Uveitis:

In infants (3 months and older), children, and adolescents, the recommended dose of Homatropine is as follows:

  • Use an ophthalmic (eye) solution with a 5% concentration.
  • Instill 1 to 2 drops into the affected eye or eyes.
  • Repeat the application as needed, but not more frequently than every 3 to 4 hours.

Pregnancy Risk Factor C

  • No studies have been done to understand how this thing might affect baby animals or their ability to have babies of their own.

Use during breastfeeding:

  • We're not sure if homatropine, a medication, gets into breast milk.
  • The company that makes it suggests being careful when giving it to breastfeeding mothers.

Dose in Kidney Disease:

  • The instructions that come with this medicine don't give any special changes in how much you should take if your kidneys aren't working well.

Dose in Liver disease:

  • The instructions that come with this medication don't suggest any changes in the dosage if your liver isn't working well.

Side effects of Homatropine eye drops:

  • Cardiovascular:
    • Edema
  • Central Nervous System:
    • Burning Sensation
    • Stinging Sensation
  • Dermatologic:
    • Eczema
  • Endocrine & Metabolic:
    • Increased Thirst
  • Gastrointestinal:
    • Xerostomia
  • Local:
    • Local Irritation
  • Ophthalmic:
    • Blurred Vision
    • Follicular Conjunctivitis
    • Increased Intraocular Pressure
    • Ocular Exudate
    • Photophobia
    • Vascular Congestion Of The Eye

Contraindications to Homatropine eye drops:

  • Homatropine should be avoided in individuals with primary glaucoma or a tendency toward glaucoma, like having a narrow anterior chamber angle.
  • It's also not recommended for those who are allergic or hypersensitive to homatropine or any ingredients in the medicine.
  • Although there's limited evidence about allergies to similar substances called belladonna alkaloids, because they share similar chemical structures and effects, there could be a chance of cross-sensitivity, meaning an allergic reaction may still occur.

Warnings and precautions

CNS effects

  • Using homatropine excessively can lead to central nervous system (CNS) disturbances, such as confusion, delirium, agitation, and in rare cases, coma.
  • This can happen to people of any age, but it's more likely in children and the elderly.
  • It's important to warn patients about these potential effects and advise them to be cautious when doing activities that require mental alertness, like operating machinery or driving.
  • If there are concerns or unusual reactions, it's crucial to seek medical advice promptly.

Ocular light sensitivity:

  • Using homatropine may make your eyes more sensitive to light.
  • It's recommended to use appropriate eye protection, like sunglasses, to shield your eyes from bright light when you're using this medication.

Down syndrome

  • In individuals with Down syndrome, there is a higher risk of developing angle-closure glaucoma.
  • Therefore, if using homatropine in such patients, caution is advised.


  • In individuals with keratoconus, the use of homatropine may lead to a fixed dilation of the pupil.
  • Therefore, it should be used with caution in such patients.

Homatropine: Drug Interaction

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

May diminish the therapeutic effect of Anticholinergic Agents. Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Anticholinergic Agents

May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of other Anticholinergic Agents.

Botulinum Toxin-Containing Products

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Cannabinoid-Containing Products

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the tachycardic effect of Cannabinoid-Containing Products. Exceptions: Cannabidiol.

Chloral Betaine

May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Gastrointestinal Agents (Prokinetic)

Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Gastrointestinal Agents (Prokinetic).


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Glucagon. Specifically, the risk of gastrointestinal adverse effects may be increased.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Itopride.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Mirabegron.


Anticholinergic Agents may decrease the absorption of Nitroglycerin. Specifically, anticholinergic agents may decrease the dissolution of sublingual nitroglycerin tablets, possibly impairing or slowing nitroglycerin absorption.

Opioid Agonists

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Opioid Agonists. Specifically, the risk for constipation and urinary retention may be increased with this combination.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the constipating effect of Ramosetron.

Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics

Anticholinergic Agents may increase the serum concentration of Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Topiramate.

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modification)


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents. These effects are specific to the GI tract.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Secretin. Management: Avoid concomitant use of anticholinergic agents and secretin. Discontinue anticholinergic agents at least 5 half-lives prior to administration of secretin.

Risk Factor X (Avoid combination)


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Cimetropium.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the constipating effect of Eluxadoline.

Glycopyrrolate (Oral Inhalation)

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Glycopyrrolate (Oral Inhalation).

Glycopyrronium (Topical)

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Ipratropium (Oral Inhalation)

May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.


Anticholinergic Agents may diminish the therapeutic effect of Levosulpiride.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Potassium Chloride

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the ulcerogenic effect of Potassium Chloride. Management: Patients on drugs with substantial anticholinergic effects should avoid using any solid oral dosage form of potassium chloride.

Potassium Citrate

Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the ulcerogenic effect of Potassium Citrate.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Revefenacin.


Anticholinergic Agents may enhance the anticholinergic effect of Tiotropium.


May enhance the anticholinergic effect of Anticholinergic Agents.

Monitoring Parameters:

None mentioned. Monitor the response to treatment.

How to administer Homatropine eye drops?

Washing Hands:

  • Before and after using homatropine eye drops, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly.

Avoid Touching:

  • Be careful not to touch the tip of the applicator to your eyes or any other surfaces to prevent contamination.

Remove Contact Lenses:

  • If you wear contact lenses, take them out before putting in the eye drops. Wait at least 15 minutes before putting the lenses back in.

Apply Finger Pressure:

  • After putting in the eye drops, gently press on the lacrimal sac (the inner corner of the eye near the nose) for 1-3 minutes. This helps reduce the risk of the medicine getting into the bloodstream and causing systemic reactions.

Mechanism of action of Homatropine:

  • Homatropine works by blocking the response of certain eye muscles to cholinergic stimulation.
  • This blocking action leads to the dilation of the pupil (mydriasis) and the temporary paralysis of the focusing muscle in the eye (cycloplegia).
  • Essentially, it helps the eye stay open and not focus for a short period, which is useful for certain eye exams or procedures.

International Brand Names of Homatropine eye drops:

  • Homatropaire
  • Isopto Homatropine
  • Bernardtropina
  • Bromhydrate d'homatropine-Chauvin
  • Hemasol
  • Hemomin
  • Homapin
  • Homarin Forte
  • Homatogen
  • Homatropin
  • HomatropinPOS
  • Homatropina
  • Homatropine
  • Homatropine Faure
  • Homo Grin
  • Isopto Homatropine
  • Isopto-Homatropine
  • Matropin
  • Minims Homatropine
  • Minims Homatropine Hydrobromide
  • Minims-Homatropinhydrobromid
  • Ocuhomapine
  • Omatropina
  • Paratropina

Homatropine Brand Names in Pakistan:

Homatropine (HBr) Eye Drops 2 %w/v in Pakistan


Ethical Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd.


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