Beta-carotene - a dietary vitamin A precursor

Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A that when ingested, is converted in the wall of the small intestine and converted to vitamin A. It is used as a dietary supplement in patients with vitamin A deficiency whose diet is inadequate

Beta-carotene Dose in Adults

Beta-carotene OTC labeling:

  • Use as a dietary supplement:
    • One capsule orally once a day.

Beta-carotene Dose in Childrens

Safety and efficacy not established.

Pregnancy Risk Class: Unknown

  • The fetal blood levels are affected by maternal intake.
  • It may be used safely when taken via natural products, however, high doses as medicinal products should be avoided as it is converted to vitamin A that may be teratogenic.

Beta-carotene use during breastfeeding:

  • Breast milk contains beta-carotene.
  • Mother's intake may affect the concentrations.

Beta-carotene Dose in Renal Disease:

Adjustment in the dose has not been recommended by the manufacturer in patients with kidney disease.

Beta-carotene Dose in Liver Disease:

Adjustment in the dose has not been recommended by the manufacturer in patients with liver disease.

Side Effects to Beta-carotene Frequency not defined.

  • Central nervous system:
    • Dizziness
  • Dermatologic:
    • Skin discoloration
      • Yellowing of palms, hands, and soles of feet
      • Yellowing of the face is rarely seen.

Contraindication to Beta-carotene

Warnings & Precautions

  • Hepatic impairment
    • Patients with hepatic impairment need to be cautious.
  • Renal impairment
    • It should be used with caution by patients with impaired renal function.

Monitoring Parameters:

Monitoring is not required.

How to administer Beta-carotene?

  • It may be administered with meals.

Mechanism of action of Beta-carotene:

  • It is unclear what the mechanism of action is.
  • Systemic therapy is more effective than topical treatment.
  • Before being absorbed in the small intestine, beta-carotene must be metabolized into vitamin A. 
  • Vitamin A is then oxidized into retinoic acid or retinol when there are bile acids or fats.
  • A small amount of retinol is stored in the liver after it has been conjugated with glucuronic. 

It is excreted through the urine and feces.

International brands of Beta-carotene:

  • A-Caro-25
  • B-Caro-T
  • Caroguard
  • Acecap
  • B-Tene
  • Betacar-15
  • Betavin
  • Biocarotine
  • Bronce Sol
  • Carolin
  • Carotaben
  • Carovit
  • Kalvo
  • Medobiotin
  • Natural Betacarotene
  • Oxyma
  • Tannisol

Beta-carotene brands in Pakistan:

Ethanolamine Oleate [Inj 20 mg/ml]

Jetepar Popular Chemical Works (Pvt) Ltd.


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