Benzalkonium chloride - Uses, Dose, Side effects

An ester local anaesthetic, antiseptic, and disinfectant, benzalkonium chloride prevents the start and conduction of nerve impulses.

It is used topically to treat cold sores and fever blisters.

Benzalkonium chloride Dose in Adult

Benzalkonium chloride Use in the treatment of fever blister & Cold sore:

  • Benzalkonium chloride is used to treat cold sores or fever blisters.
  • You apply it directly to the sore with an applicator.
  • Usually, just one application is enough for most sores, but you can use it up to three times a day if needed.

Benzalkonium chloride Dose in Children

Benzalkonium chloride Use in the treatment of fever blister and Cold sore:

  • Children older than 2 years and Adolescents:
    • Benzalkonium chloride is used to treat cold sores or fever blisters.
    • You apply it directly to the sore with an applicator.
    • Usually, just one application is enough for most sores, but you can use it up to three times a day if needed.

Benzalkonium chloride Dose in Pregnancy & Laction

Since it is applied topically over the mucosa, absorption is minimal. It may be safely used in pregnant patients and during breastfeeding.

Benzalkonium chloride Dose in Renal Disease:

  • The manufacturer hasn't suggested any changes to the dosage of benzalkonium chloride for people with kidney disease.
  • So, if you have kidney issues, you can typically use it in the same way as someone without kidney problems.

Benzalkonium chloride Dose in Liver Disease:

  • The manufacturer hasn't recommended any changes to the dosage of benzalkonium chloride for individuals with liver disease.
  • Therefore, if you have liver issues, you can generally use it following the standard dosage instructions.

Side effects of Benzalkonium chloride:

  • Dermatologic:
    • Stinging of the skin
  • Local:
    • Local irritation

Contraindications to Benzalkonium chloride include:

  • If you're allergic to benzalkonium chloride, benzocaine, or any other similar local anesthetics, or if you're sensitive to any ingredient in the product, you should avoid using it.
  • Also, it's not safe to use benzalkonium chloride for eye-related issues, and you shouldn't apply it over a large area of the body or use it more than three times a day.
  • Additionally, it's not recommended to use it for longer than a week unless your healthcare provider tells you otherwise.

Warnings and Precautions

Use it in the right way:

  • Benzalkonium chloride should only be used topically, meaning it's applied to the skin or mucous membranes.
  • If your symptoms continue for 7 to 10 days after using it, you should check back.

Monitoring Parameters:

None required.

How to administer Benzalkonium chloride?

  • Prepare the Area: Before using the medication, make sure to clean any lotions, ointments, or cosmetics from your lip. You can do this by gently washing the area with warm water and a washcloth.
  • Use the Applicator: Soak the applicator with the solution containing benzalkonium chloride.
  • Apply to Cold Sore: Put the solution directly onto the cold sore using the soaked applicator.
  • Allow Numbing: Give it a little time for the lip to become numb.
  • Massage Gently: Use the applicator to massage the solution into the cold sore. Be firm but gentle to avoid hurting the skin.
  • Aftercare: Avoid brushing your teeth with toothpaste or drinking fruit juices or soft drinks for at least an hour after using the medication. This allows the solution to work effectively without interference.

Mechanism of action of Benzalkonium chloride:

  • Benzalkonium chloride works as an antiseptic and disinfectant, while benzocaine acts as a local anesthetic.
  • Benzocaine blocks nerve impulses by making it harder for sodium ions to pass through nerve cell membranes.
  • This prevents the nerves from transmitting signals, leading to numbness in the area where it's applied.

Benzalkonium chloride Brands in Pakistan:

Benzalkonium (Cl) [Tabs 20 mg]


Himont Chemical (Pvt) Ltd.