Gallium citrate Ga-67 - Uses, Dose, Side effects, MOA, Brands

Gallium Citrate Ga-67 is a radiopharmaceutical agent that is used for diagnostic imaging purposes in patients with lymphomas and acute inflammatory conditions or infections.

Gallium citrate Ga-67 Uses:

  • Diagnostic imaging:

    • It is used for identifying the presence and extent of Hodgkin disease, lymphoma, and acute inflammatory lesions.

Gallium Citrate Dose in Adults

Gallium Citrate Dose in the Diagnostic imaging: IV:

  • Scintigraphy for inflammation or infection:

    • 4 to 6 mCi (150 to 220 MBq).
  • Tumor scintigraphy:

    • 5 to 10 mCi (185 to 370 MBq).
  • Manufacturer's labeling:
    • It may not reflect current clinical practice for dosing in prescribing information.

Gallium Citrate Dose in Children

Gallium Citrate Dose in Diagnostic imaging:

  • Scintigraphy for inflammation or infection (off-label):

    • IV: 0.07 mCi/kg (2.6 MBq/kg), with a minimum of 0.5 mCi (18.5 MBq) or
    • alternatively for children >5 years:
      • 0.04 to 0.07 mCi/kg (1.5 to 2.6 MBq/kg).

Galium Citrate Pregnancy Risk Category: N (Not defined)

  • Although animal reproduction studies have not been done, Ga67 could accumulate in the placenta.
  • According to the manufacturer, women with reproductive potential should have optional diagnostic procedures performed within 10 days of their menstrual cycle.

Gallium citrate Ga-67 use during breastfeeding:

  • Even non-lactating women can find Ga 67 in their breast tissue.
  • One case reported that significant levels of the drug were found in breast milk after the drug was administered to a postpartum woman. This occurred ten days later.
  • The volume of breast milk and the stage of breastfeeding will determine the actual drug concentration.
  • Manufacturers recommend formula milk, but withhold breastfeeding. 
  • To reduce drug exposure in infants, the manufacturer recommends discontinuing breastfeeding for 2 to 4 weeks following injection due to the drug's long half-life.

Dose in Kidney Disease:

  • There are no dosage adjustments given on the manufactory’s label.

Dose in Liver disease:

  • There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer’s labeling.

Side effects of Gallium citrate:

  • Dermatologic:

    • Rash
  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Nausea
  • Miscellaneous:

    • Hypersensitivity reactions

Contraindications to Gallium citrate Ga-67:

  • The US manufacturer's labeling does not list any contraindications.
  • Canadian labeling: Allergy to gallium citrate or any other component of the formulation.

Monitoring Parameters:

  • Observe for extravasation and monitor for hypersensitivity reactions.

How to administer Gallium citrate Ga-67?

  • It is a radiopharmaceutical agent that is intended for intravenous use only. Use appropriate precautions for handling and disposal.
  • Effective radiation shielding and waterproof gloves are recommended when handling this radiopharmaceutical agent.
  • Until the final imagings are received, the manufacturer suggests cleaning the bowel of radioactive substance and minimizing false-positive results (with a laxative and or enema)

Mechanism of action of Gallium citrate Ga-67:

  • Galium citrate Ga67 is a radioactive diagnostic drug that is bound to soluble intracellular proteins and is stored in the lysosomes.
  • The drug builds up at the site of infection, and it concentrates in metastatic and primary tumors.

Half-life elimination:

  • Physical: 78.3 hours


  • After 7 days:
    • Average whole-body retention is 65%,
    • urine 26%,
    • feces 9%

Gallium citrate Ga-67 Brand Names in Pakistan:

  • No Brands Available in Pakistan.