Diabetic Ketoacidosis: What's New

Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan     Published: 10 months ago 2 Replies

The diagnosis and treatment of DKA have been changed because of the increasing number of cases of euglycemic DKA.

What is the cut-off blood glucose to diagnose DKA?

less than 250 or in some guidelines less than 200mg/dl

This condition is treated in exactly the same way as hyperglycaemic DKA.
1) Initiate glucose 10% straight away at 125 ml/hr because the glucose is <14 mmol/L
2) Begin with 0.1units/kg/hr insulin rate
3) If glucose falling despite 10% glucose reduce to 0.05 units/



euglycemic dka is usually caused by widespread use of sglt2 inhibitors 


Blood glucose: < 200 suggested as the cut off so as to not miss euglycemic DKA

Bicarbonate: <18

PH: <7.3

Ketones: >3 mmol/L

Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 10 months ago

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