Once-Weekly Diabetes Pill

Author: owner     Published: 4 months ago 0 Replies

Trelagliptin is a once weekly DPP-IV inhibitor. It has been approved in Japan in 2015 for the treatment of Diabetes Type 2.

Trelagliptin has not been submitted for approval by the FDA and EMA for use in the US and Europe because of the cost issues.

Trelagliptin is available in Pakistan under the brand name, Trelaget (Getz Pharma).

It has a half life of about 38 hours and is recommended as a once weekly diabetes pill.

It can be used with metformin, insulin, or sulfonylureas. However, it should not be used with another a DPP-IV inhibitor or a GLP-1 analog such as Ozempic or Mounjaro.

The cost of Trelaget is 1000 PKR per 4 tablets.

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