FDA Alert - "Ivermectin Intended for Animals"

The COVID-HORROR, as I call it, has made people make unscientific decisions. The Lockdowns, Negative and unprofessional information by media and premature scientific publications being made public have all contributed to the COVID-associated complexities.

In Vero/hSLAM cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 isolates, a recent study released in the "Antiviral Research pre-publication paper" showed that ivermectin has very potent inhibitory effects. [Ref].

The addition of a single dose of ivermectin in these cell culture isolates resulted in a 5000-fold reduction in the SARS CoV2 viral load in just 48 hours.

It is also interesting to note that the authors have titled the study:

"The FDA-approved drug Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro"

These kinds of studies are intended for scientists who can interpret the results and may provide guidance to conduct further studies. The title "FDA-Approved Drug" sounds as if ivermectin has been authorized by the FDA regarding the COVID-19 infection.

This is an attractive title for the common people to start taking "the FDA-approved drug Ivermectin" for prophylaxis and self-treatment. To counter the misinformation spread among the people, the FDA in a safety letter titled "Ivermectin intended for animals" published that the drug Ivermectin was not administered to humans in the study.

Ivermectin is intended for animals

To protect and safeguard the people, the FDA has made the following recommendations [Ref]:

  • Ivermectin is NOT FDA-AUTHORIZED for the remedy of COVID-19 illness.

  • People should not take Ivermectin unless it is prescribed by a healthcare professional (for the approved indications).


  • Ivermectin has been studied in particular settings and in particular animal species. It may cause serious adverse effects in humans.

  • Ivermectin tablets are approved for the treatment of some parasitic infections and the topical preparation is approved for headlice and for other skin conditions

The FDA is continuously countering the misinformation communicated to people by non-medical personnel (and even by some professionals as well). This is evidenced by the stocking-up of hydroxychloroquine and the deaths that have recently been reported with the self-use of high doses of hydroxychloroquine especially among the elderly and patients with cardiovascular diseases. This is our duty not to spread misinformation in this era of "COVID-HORROR" and hope for effective treatment with a better safety profile.

Unless approved by the FDA, EMA, WHO, and other trusted organizations, avoid taking any drug for prevention or treatment of COVID-19 infection.


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