Rifabutin for the Treatment of Mycobacterial Infections

Rifabutin is an antibiotic medicine used to treat mycobacterial tuberculosis and mycobacterial avium complex. It does so by inhibiting DNA dependent RNA polymerase. It is used to treat the following infections:

  • Prophylaxis of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC):

    • It is utilised in individuals with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection to prevent spread MAC illness.

  • Off Label Usage of Rifabutin in Adults:

    • Mycobacterium avium complex disease (disseminated) treatment in HIV-infected patients

    • Treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis (excluding meningitis)

    • Tuberculosis treatment in HIV-infected patients

    • Latent tuberculosis (LTBI) in HIV-infected patients

Rifabutin dose in Adults

Dosage in the treatment of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease (disseminated) in HIV-infected patients:

Note: Rule out active tuberculosis before starting rifabutin

  • Primary prophylaxis (patients with CD4 count <50 cells/mm who are not initiated on fully suppressive antiretroviral therapy [ART]) (alternative agent):

    • 300 mg orally once daily
    • It may be discontinued  when patient is initiated on effective ART .
  • Treatment (off-label use):

    • Orally 300 mg once daily is given as optional adjunct therapy with clarithromycin or azithromycin (plus ethambutol) .
  • Secondary prophylaxis:

    • Orally 300 mg once daily is given as optional adjunct therapy with clarithromycin or azithromycin (plus ethambutol)
    • It can be  discontinued when patient has completed ≥12 months of therapy, has no signs/symptoms of MAC disease, and has sustained (>6 months) CD4 count >100 cells/mm in response to ART .

Dosage in the treatment of Tuberculosis (off-label):

  • Latent tuberculosis (LTBI) treatment (to prevent TB) in HIV-infected patients:

    • Daily dose is based on concomitant ART for 4 months
    •  LTBI treatment is recommended in HIV-infected patients testing positive for LTBI (but have no evidence of TB disease or no previous history of treatment for active or LTBI) or in HIV-infected contacts of individuals who have infectious TB (regardless of screening tests for LTBI)
  • Treatment of drug-susceptible mycobacterial tuberculosis excluding tuberculous meningitis as an alternative or a substitute for rifampin ):

      • Non-HIV-infected patients:

        • 5 mg/kg/dose is given one time a day
        • The usual dose is  300 mg one time a day as part of a multidrug regimen
      • HIV-infected patients (and not receiving protease inhibitors, efavirenz, rilpivirine, tenofovir alafenamide, or an elvitegravir/cobicistat containing regimen):

        • 5 mg/kg/dose daily
        • The usual dose is 300 mg once daily for 5 to 7 days/week as part of a multidrug regimen

Rifabutin dose in Children

Dose in the treatment of Tuberculosis; active TB, treatment of drug-susceptible (excluding meningitis):

    • For changing recommmendations and updates, consult CDC and WHO for latest recommednations.
    • Always take it in conjunction with other medications.
    • Regimens should provide dosing as directly observed therapy when utilising less than five doses per week (DOT).
  • Non-HIV-exposed/-positive:

    • Infants, Children, and Adolescents:
      • 5 mg/kg/dose orally one time everyday is given
      • It can also be given 5-times-weekly (DOT)
      • 300 mg/dose is maximum dose
  • Infants and Children:

    • 10 to 20 mg/kg/dose one time a day is given
    • It can also be given 3-times-weekly (DOT)
    • 300 mg/dose is  maximum dose

Dose in the treatment of Mycobacterium avium complex infection (MAC):

  • Treatment, add-on therapy for severe infection:

    • Infants and Children:

      • 10 to 20 mg/kg/dose given orally one time a day
      • 300 mg/dose is maximum dose
      • Given in combination with a macrolide (clarithromycin or azithromycin) and ethambutol
    • Adolescents:

    • 300 mg once daily given  in combination with a macrolide (clarithromycin or azithromycin) and ethambutol
  • Primary prophylaxis:

    • Non-HIV-exposed/-positive:

      • Infants, Children, and Adolescents:
        • 5 mg/kg/dose given once daily
        • The maximum dose is  300 mg/dose
    • HIV-exposed/-positive:

      • Children ≥6 years and Adolescents:

      • 300 mg given once daily
      • Before beginning chronic suppressive medication in HIV-exposed/positive patients, active TB should be ruled out.
      • Children ≥6 years:

        • 5 mg/kg/dose given once daily
        • The maximum dose is 300 mg/dose for patients who received rifabutin as part of initial MAC treatment regimen
      • Adolescents: Oral:

      • 300 mg once daily is given for patients who received rifabutin as part of initial MAC treatment regimen

Pregnancy Risk Factor: B

  • According to human placenta perfusion research, rifabutin crosses the placenta

Use of rifabutin while breastfeeding

  • It is unknown if breast milk contains rifabutin or not.
  • According to the manufacturer breastfeeding during therapy should be considered in light of the risks to infants and the benefits to mothers.
  • To reduce the risk of HIV transmission, pregnant women with HIV should stop breastfeeding.

Rifabutin dose in kidney disease:

  • CrCl ≥30 mL/minute:
    • Dosage adjustment  not required.
  • CrCl <30 mL/minute:
    • Reduce dose by 50%

Rifabutin dose in Liver disease:

  • Mild impairment:
    • No dosage adjustment required.
  • Moderate to severe impairment:
    • There are no dosage adjustments given in the manufacturer's labeling

Common Side Effects of Rifabutin Include:

  • Dermatologic:

    • Skin rash
  • Genitourinary:

    • Discoloration of urine
  • Hematologic & oncologic:

    • Neutropenia
    • Leukopenia

Less Common Side Effects of Rifabutin Include:

  • Gastrointestinal:

    • Nausea
    • Abdominal Pain
    • Dysgeusia
    • Dyspepsia
    • Eructation
    • Vomiting
    • Flatulence
  • Hematologic & oncologic:

    • Thrombocytopenia
  • Neuromuscular & skeletal:

    • Myalgia
  • Miscellaneous:

    • Fever

Contraindication to Rifabutin Include:

  • Clinically significant hypersensitivity (or other rifamycins) to rifabutin or any component of the formulation

Warnings and precautions

  • Hematologic toxicities:

    • Rarely, it may also be associated with thrombocytopenia and/or neutropenia.
    • Consider periodic monitoring of your hematologic parameters. If you notice signs of thrombocytopenia, such as petechial skin rash, stoppermanently.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions

    • Rifamycins can cause hypersensitivity reactions such as anaphylaxis and conjunctivitis.
    • If hypersensitivity develops, discontinue use and provide supportive care.
  • Superinfection

    • Extended use may result in bacterial and fungal superinfections like pseudomembranous collitis or C. difficile-associated diarrhoea (CDAD).
    • After using antibiotics for more than two months, CDAD appeared.
  • Uveitis:

    • It is possible to also get uveitis
    • When used with macrolides and azole antifungals, it is important to monitor patients.
    • Refer the patient to an eye doctor if you suspect uveitis. If that happens, discontinue treatment temporarily.
  • Hepatic impairment

    • Patients with hepatic impairment should be cautious. Stop using ALT >=3xULN (symptomatic) or >=5xULN (regardless if symptoms).
  • Renal impairment

    • Patients with renal impairment should use with caution. When there is substantial impairment (CrCl 30mL/minute), dosage reduction is advised.

Rifabutin: Drug Interaction

Risk Factor C (Monitor therapy)

Abiraterone Acetate

The serum content of abiraterone acetate may drop when using rifabutin.


The metabolism of barbiturates may be accelerated by rifamycin derivatives.

BCG Vaccine (Immunization)

Antibiotics may reduce the BCG vaccine's therapeutic effect (Immunization).


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Benzhydrocodone. Specifically, the serum concentrations of hydrocodone may be reduced.


May decrease the serum concentration of CYP3A4 Substrates (High risk with Inducers).


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Cabozantinib.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of CloZAPine.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease serum concentrations of the active metabolite(s) of Codeine.


Crizotinib's serum levels may drop if you take rifabutin.

CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate)

May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers).

CYP3A4 Substrates (High risk with Inducers)

The serum concentration of CYP3A4 Substrates may drop when taking CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) (High risk with Inducers). Apixaban and Rivaroxaban are exceptions.

Dapsone (Systemic)

Rifabutin may lower Dapsone's serum levels (Systemic).


May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers).


Enzalutamide's serum levels may drop if you take rifabutin.

Estriol (Systemic)

CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Estriol (Systemic).

Estriol (Topical)

CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Estriol (Topical).


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Everolimus.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of FentaNYL.

Glecaprevir and Pibrentasvir

CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Glecaprevir and Pibrentasvir.


The serum levels of HYDROcodone may drop in response to CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


Ibrutinib's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


The active metabolite(s) of ifosfamide may be present in lower serum quantities when CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) are present. The active metabolite(s) of ifosfamide may be present in higher serum concentrations when CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) are used.

Irinotecan Products

The serum concentrations of the active metabolite(s) of irinotecan products may drop after taking rifabutin. Particularly, serum levels of SN-38 could be decreased. The serum levels of rifabutin-containing products may drop.


Rifamycin Derivatives may enhance the hepatotoxic effect of Isoniazid. Even so, this is a frequently employed combination regimen.


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Ivacaftor.


May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers).

Lactobacillus and Estriol

The therapeutic effects of Lactobacillus and Estriol may be reduced by antibiotics.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Mirodenafil.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Naldemedine.


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Nevirapine. Nevirapine may decrease the serum concentration of Rifabutin. Nevirapine may increase the serum concentration of Rifabutin.


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Nilotinib.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Pexidartinib.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Pitolisant.


Raltegravir's serum concentration may drop if you take rifabutin. Particularly, Cmin, the minimal serum concentration, may be decreased. AUC, or overall raltegravir exposure, may rise.


The serum concentration of Rolapitant may fall in response to CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


RomiDEPsin serum levels may be reduced by rifabutin.


May decrease the serum concentration of CYP3A4 Substrates (High risk with Inducers).


May decrease the serum concentration of CYP3A4 Substrates (High risk with Inducers).


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Sirolimus.


May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers).


Upadacitinib's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).

VinCRIStine (Liposomal)

VinCRIStine serum levels may be decreased by rifabutin (Liposomal).

Vitamin K Antagonists (eg, warfarin)

The metabolism of Vitamin K antagonists may be accelerated by rifamycin derivatives.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may lower the level of zolpidem in the blood.

Risk Factor D (Consider therapy modification)


Rifamycin derivatives may lower the level of alfentanil in the blood. Management: Keep an eye out for signs of diminished alfentanil efficacy. Alfentanil dosages will probably need to be increased. Alternative options include switching from alfentanil to another opioid anaesthetic (such as sufentanil).

Antifungal Agents (Azole Derivatives, Systemic)

May increase the serum concentration of Rifamycin Derivatives. Only rifabutin appears to be affected. Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Antifungal Agents (Azole Derivatives, Systemic). Management: Avoid these combinations when possible. Voriconazole and isavuconazonium are considered contraindicated.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Rifabutin's serum levels might be raised by tatazanavir. Reduce the dosage of rifabutin. According to clinical guidelines, atazanavir/ritonavir should be taken 150 mg daily or 300 mg three times per week. For adults, the atazanavir labelling advises a reduction of at least 75%, to 150 mg every other day or 150 mg three times per week.


The serum concentration of Brigatinib may fall in response to CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate). Management: Whenever possible, avoid taking brigatinib at the same time as mild CYP3A4 inducers. After seven days of treatment with the current brigatinib dose, increase the daily dose in increments of 30 mg, up to a maximum of twice the dose.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Calcium Channel Blockers. This primarily affects oral forms of calcium channel blockers. Management: The labeling for some US and Canadian calcium channel blockers contraindicate use with rifampin, however recommendations vary. Consult appropriate labeling. Exceptions: Clevidipine.


The active metabolite(s) of clarithromycin may be present in higher serum quantities when CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) are present. It is possible for CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) to lower the level of clarithromycin in the blood. If a patient is receiving a CYP3A inducer, other antimicrobial therapy should be considered. Drugs that speed up the conversion of 14-hydroxyclarithromycin from clarithromycin may change the clinical action of clarithromycin and reduce its effectiveness.


Rifabutin serum levels might rise. Reduce the dosage of rifabutin. Clinical recommendations call for giving rifabutin 150 mg three times a day or 300 mg three times a week when combined with cobicistat. The labelling for Cobicistat advises reducing the dosage of rifabutin to 150 mg every other day

CycloSPORINE (Systemic)

Rifamycin Derivatives may increase the metabolism of CycloSPORINE (Systemic).

CYP3A4 Inducers (Strong)

May speed up CYP3A4 substrate metabolism (High risk with Inducers). Management: Take into account a substitute for one of the interfering medications. Specific contraindications may apply to some combinations. 


May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers). Management: When possible, look for substitutes for the CYP3A4 substrate. If concurrent therapy cannot be avoided, pay special attention to the substrate's clinical consequences (particularly therapeutic effects).


Daclatasvir's serum levels may be lowered by moderate CYP3A4 inducers. Treatment: If daclatasvir is used with a moderate CYP3A4 inducer, increase the dose to 90 mg once daily.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Darunavir's serum levels may rise in response to rifabutin. Rifabutin's serum levels may rise in response to darunavir. Reduce the dosage of rifabutin. Darunavir's US labelling advises adults to reduce their dosage by at least 75%, to 150 mg every other day or three times a week. Clinical recommendations advise 300 mg or 150 mg each day.


Rifabutin may lower the level of doravirine in the blood. When coupled with rifabutin,  the dosage of doravirine should be increased to 1 tablet (100 mg) twice daily.  An additional tablet of doravirine (100 mg) should be taken 12 hours after taking  the combination drug doravirine/lamivudine/tenofovir.


Rifabutin's serum concentration can drop. Efavirenz's serum levels may drop if you take rifabutin. Treatment: Rifabutin adult dose should be increased by 50% if efavirenz is to be used regularly. Consider raising the rifabutin dose if taken with regimens that call for administration 2-3 times per week.


Erdafitinib's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate). Management: Erdafitinib dosage adjustments may be necessary. For information, see the entire monograph.


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Erlotinib. Management: Avoid combination if possible. If combination must be used, increase erlotinib dose by 50 mg increments every 2 weeks as tolerated, to a maximum of 450 mg/day.

Estrogen Derivatives (Contraceptive)

Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Estrogen Derivatives (Contraceptive). Contraceptive failure is possible. Management: Use of an alternative, nonhormonal contraceptive is recommended.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Fosamprenavir's serum levels may rise in response to rifabutin. Rifabutin's serum levels may rise as a result of taking fosamprenavir. Reduce the dosage of rifabutin. For more precise advice, see the whole monograph.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of GuanFACINE. Management: Increase the guanfacine dose by up to double when initiating guanfacine in a patient taking a moderate CYP3A4 inducer. Increase guanfacine dose gradually over 1 to 2 weeks if initiating a moderate CYP3A4 inducer in a patient already taking guanfacine.

HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins)

Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins). Management: Consider use of noninteracting antilipemic agents (note: pitavastatin concentrations may increase with rifamycin treatment). Monitor for altered HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor effects. Rifabutin and fluvastatin, or possibly pravastatin, may pose lower risk. Exceptions: Pitavastatin; Rosuvastatin.


Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Imatinib. Management: Avoid concurrent use of imatinib with the rifamycin derivatives when possible. If such a combination must be used, increase imatinib dose by at least 50% and monitor the patient's clinical response closely.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Indinavir's serum concentration could drop due to rifabutin. Rifabutin's serum levels may rise in response to indinavir. Treatment: In accordance with US labelling, reduce the dose of rifabutin by 50% and raise the dose of adult indinavir to 1 g every 8 hours. Clinical guidelines advise using rifabutin at a dose of 150 mg per day or 300 mg three times per week when combined with indinavir/ritonavir, which is consistent with this.


Lefamulin's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate). Management: Unless the advantages outweigh the hazards, avoid using lefamulin concurrently with mild CYP3A4 inducers.

Lefamulin (Intravenous)

Lefamulin serum levels may be decreased by moderate CYP3A4 inducers (Intravenous). Management: Lefamulin (intravenous) should not be used concurrently with moderate CYP3A4 inducers unless the advantages outweigh the dangers.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Lopinavir's serum levels may rise in response to rifabutin. Rifabutin's serum levels may rise in response to lopinavir. Reduce the dosage of rifabutin. Clinical recommendations call for 150 mg per day or 300 mg three times per week for people using lopinavir/ritonavir, however US labelling calls for a reduction of at least 75%, to 150 mg every other day or three times per week.


The hepatotoxic impact of lorlatinib may be enhanced by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate). Lorlatinib's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate). Avoid using lorlatinib in combination with mild CYP3A4 inducers. If such a mixture must be used, AST, ALT, and bilirubin levels should be checked within 48 hours after beginning the mixture and at least three times during the first week of use.


May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers). Management: Avoid taking lorlatinib at the same time as any CYP3A4 substrates for which even a small drop in serum levels of the substrate could result in therapeutic failure and negative clinical outcomes.


Lurasidone's serum levels may be reduced by moderate CYP3A4 inducers. Management: If lurasidone is coupled with mild CYP3A4 inducers, watch for diminished effects.

Macrolide Antibiotics

Rifamycin derivatives' metabolism might be slowed down. Azithromycin (Systemic), Fidaxomicin, Roxithromycin, and Spiramycin are exceptions.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Meperidine. Management: Consider increasing meperidine dose if concomitant use with moderate CYP3A4 inducers is required. Monitor for signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal.


May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers). Treatment: When administered in individuals receiving mitotane, doses of CYP3A4 substrates may need to be significantly modified.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Nelfinavir's serum levels may drop if you take rifabutin. Rifabutin's serum levels can rise as a result of nelfinavir. Management: When used with nelfinavir, the US prescription literature suggests reducing the typical rifabutin dose by at least 50%. In addition, 1250 mg twice daily of nelfinavir is the optimum dosage when combined with rifabutin.


Palbociclib's serum levels may be decreased by moderate CYP3A4 inducers. Management: The US label doesn't include any advice in particular.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Perampanel. Management: Increase the perampanel starting dose to 4 mg/day when perampanel is used concurrently with moderate and strong CYP3A4 inducers.


Rifamycin Derivatives may increase the serum concentration of Pitavastatin. Management: Limit pitavastatin dose to a maximum of 2 mg/day with concurrent rifampin.

Progestins (Contraceptive)

Rifamycin derivatives may lower progesterone levels in the blood (Contraceptive). Failure with contraception is possible. Management: It is possible for contraceptives to fail. It is advised to use an alternative, nonhormonal method of birth control.


QuiNIDine serum levels may be lowered by rifamycin derivatives. Due to the potential for significant quinidine concentration declines, management should consider alternatives to quinidine and rifampin combination therapy. When starting or increasing the dosage of any rifamycin derivative, keep an eye out for any decreasing quinidine concentrations or effects.


Rifabutin may lower the level of Rilpivirine in the blood. During rifabutin therapy, increase the adult dose of rilpivirine to 50 mg/day. Reducing the dosage back to 25 mg per day after stopping the rifabutin. It is not advised to use rifabutin with the combination drug of emtricitabine, rilpivirine, and tenofovir alafenamide.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Rifabutin's serum levels may rise as a result of ritonavir. The US prescribing advice for ritonavir suggests lowering rifabutin dosages by at least 75%. For dose advice related to ritonavir-boosted regimens, consult medication interaction monographs addressing concurrently administered protease inhibitors.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Rifabutin's serum levels may rise as a result of saquinavir. Saquinavir's serum levels may drop if you take rifabutin. Reduce the dosage of rifabutin. For adults, the Saquinavir US labelling advises a reduction of at least 75%, to 150 mg every other day or 3 times per week. Clinical recommendations advise using saquinavir/ritonavir with 150 mg daily or 300 mg three times per week.

Sodium Picosulfate

Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Sodium Picosulfate. Management: Consider using an alternative product for bowel cleansing prior to a colonoscopy in patients who have recently used or are concurrently using an antibiotic.

St John's Wort

May lower the serum level of CYP3A4 substrates (High risk with Inducers). Management: Take into account a substitute for one of the interfering medications. Specific contraindications may apply to some combinations. the relevant manufacturer's label.

Tacrolimus (Systemic)

Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Tacrolimus (Systemic). Management: Consider alternatives when possible. If these combination are used, monitor for reduced tacrolimus concentrations/effects following rifamycin initiation/dose increase, or increased concentrations/effects following rifamycin discontinuation/dose decrease.


Rifamycin Derivatives may increase the metabolism of Tamoxifen.


Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Temsirolimus. Rifamycins will likely cause an even greater decrease in the concentration of the active metabolite sirolimus. Management: Temsirolimus prescribing information recommends against coadministration with strong CYP3A4 inducers such as rifampin; however, if concurrent therapy is necessary, an increase in temsirolimus adult dose to 50 mg/week should be considered.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Rifabutin's serum levels may rise in response to tipranavir. Reduce the dosage of rifabutin. For adults, the US labelling for tipranavir advises a reduction of at least 75%, to 150 mg every other day or 3 times per week. When taken with tipranavir/ritonavir, clinical recommendations indicate 150 mg daily or 300 mg three times per week.

Typhoid Vaccine

The Typhoid Vaccine's therapeutic benefits may be reduced by antibiotics. The only strain impacted is the live attenuated Ty21a strain. Treatment: Patients being treated for typhoid should not receive the live attenuated typhoid vaccine (Ty21a).

Risk Factor X (Avoid combination)


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Abemaciclib.

Antihepaciviral Combination Products

CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Antihepaciviral Combination Products.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Asunaprevir.


Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Atovaquone.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Axitinib.

BCG (Intravesical)

Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of BCG (Intravesical).


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Bedaquiline.


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Bictegravir.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Bosutinib.

Cholera Vaccine

The therapeutic benefit of the cholera vaccine may be reduced by antibiotic use. Management: Cholera vaccine should not be administered to individuals taking systemic antibiotics or within 14 days after taking oral or parenteral antibiotics.


Cobimetinib's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Dasabuvir.


The serum concentrations of the active metabolite(s) of Deflazacort may be lowered by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


Delavirdine's metabolism may be accelerated by rifamycin derivatives. Rifamycin derivatives' serum levels may rise in response to delavirdine. Rifabutin serum concentration may rise specifically.


Elbasvir's serum levels may be reduced by moderate CYP3A4 inducing drugs.


May raise the active metabolite(s) of rifabutin's serum level. Elvitegravir's serum concentration may drop if you take rifabutin. Treatment: Rifabutin dosage reduction of at least 75% is needed for single-agent elvitegravir, which translates to a dose of 150 mg for adults every other day or three times a week. It is not advised to use elvitegravir in combination with rifabutin.


Encorafenib's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


Entrectinib's serum levels may be lowered by moderately potent CYP3A4 inducers.


Etravirine's serum levels may drop if you take rifabutin. Management: Patients who are also on a protease inhibitor or ritonavir should not use rifabutin with etravirine. If etravirine is provided without the use of a protease inhibitor or ritonavir, rifabutin (300 mg daily) may be used with etravirine.


Fedratinib's serum levels may be affected by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


Flibanserin's serum levels may drop if CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) are taken.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Grazoprevir.


Rifabutin may decrease the serum concentration of Ledipasvir.


Rifamycin Derivatives may decrease the serum concentration of Mycophenolate. Specifically, rifamycin derivatives may decrease the concentration of the active metabolite mycophenolic acid.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Neratinib.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Nisoldipine.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Olaparib.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Pimavanserin.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Pretomanid.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Ranolazine.


CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate) may decrease the serum concentration of Simeprevir.


Sofosbuvir's serum levels may drop if you take rifabutin.


Sonidegib's serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).

Tenofovir Alafenamide

Tenofovir Alafenamide's serum levels could drop due to rifabutin.


The serum concentration of Velpatasvir may fall in response to CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


Venetoclax serum levels may be decreased by CYP3A4 Inducers (Moderate).


Rifamycin derivatives' serum levels can rise. Rifamycin derivatives may lower the level of voriconazole in the blood.


  • Periodic liver function tests
  • CBC with differential
  • platelet count
  • signs/symptoms of hypersensitivity or uveitis

How to administer Rifabutin?

  • May be administered with meals to minimize nausea or vomiting.

Mechanism of action of Rifabutin:

It Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase at the beta subunit which prevents chain initiation


  • Readily, 53%

Distribution: V : Adults:

  • 9.3 ± 1.5 L/kg

Protein binding:

  • 85%


  • To 5 metabolites
  • predominantly 25-O-desacetyl-rifabutin (antimicrobial activity equivalent to parent drug; contributes ≤10% of antimicrobial activity) and 31-hydroxy-rifabutin


  • Absolute: HIV: 20%

Half-life elimination:

  • Terminal: 45 hours

Time to peak, serum:

  • 2 to 4 hours


  • Via Urine (53% as metabolites); feces (30%)

International Brands of Rifabutin:

  • Mycobutin
  • Alfacid
  • Ansatipin
  • Ansatipine
  • Macbutin
  • Ributin
  • Rifabutin, ”Pharmacia”
  • Tambux

Rifabutin Brands in Pakistan:

Rifabutin is not available in Pakistan.