Zyloric (Allopurinol) for the treatment and prevention of Gout

Gout is a term for joint inflammation brought on by the buildup of uric acid crystals. The most common joint involved in gout is the metatarsal joint or the big toe. This is also called podagra. Joint inflammation may be manifested by redness, swelling, warmth and severe pain. Pain has been described as severe and excruciating leading to restricted movements of the joint. Occasionally the joint inflammation may be so severe that it may be difficult to differentiate it from septic arthritis. Identifying septic arthritis and cellulitis are very important as the treatment differ significantly. Steroids and uric acid-lowering therapy are used to treat gout which may be harmful in patients with septic arthritis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, steroids, and uric acid-lowering medications like Zyloric are all used in the treatment of gout.

How does Zyloric/ Allopurinol work?

By preventing the activity of the enzyme xanthine oxidase, allopurinol prevents the production of uric acid. It is thus used to treat and prevent attacks of gouty arthritis, prevention of hyperuricemia in cancers and chemotherapy. Allopurinol is also used to treat hyperuricemia in kidney disease patients and in the prevention of urate nephropathy. It is also useful to treat kidney stones due to hyperuricemia, also called urate stones.

What are some of the important side effects of Zyloric?

All patients with an allergy to allopurinol or any component of the formulation should avoid it. It should be immediately discontinued if a rash starts to develop. Other important side effects of allopurinol include bone marrow suppression. Any patient who is being treated for hyperuricemia develops a sore throat and fever should immediately visit the hospital and do a blood CP to rule out myelosuppression. Allopurinol may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. some patients may also develop hepatotoxicity manifested as yellow skin and sclera and abdominal pain

How to take Zyloric?

Allopurinol should be taken with a meal. Patients should take plenty of fluids while on allopurinol. If a dose is missed, it should be taken immediately. However, if the time is due for the next dose, a double dose should not be taken.

Can allopurinol/ Zyloric be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

It is classified as category C in pregnancy. Category C drugs have not been thoroughly studied in Pregnancy. Therefore, unless the benefits outweigh the harms, it should be avoided. Similarly, It has been found to be excreted in breast milk. Therefore breastfeeding mothers may take the drug with caution.

What are the home remedies for gout?

Patients should take plenty of water and avoid proteins for some time. some of the food items that may lead to a rise in uric acid levels include:

  • game meats
  • gravy
  • herring
  • brains
  • dried beans and peas
  • anchovies
  • asparagus
  • beef kidneys
  • liver
  • mackerel
  • mushrooms
  • sweetbreads
  • sardines
  • scallops