Causes of Clubbing

Author: owner     Published: 6 months ago 4 Replies

What is clubbing and how do we grade it?

What are the causes of clubbing?

Clubbing is a clinically descriptive term, referring to the bulbulous uniform swelling of soft tissues of the terminal phalynx of a digit with subsequent loss of normal angle between the nail and nail bed.

1- The nail bed becomes soft
2- There are changes in angle of nail fold
3- The nail takes on more obvious curve
4- The end of nail becomes thick, clubbed appearance of fingertip
5- Development of shiny/ glossy change in nail and adjacent skin


    ◦    Idiopathic 
    ◦    Primary 
Familial clubbing
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy

Dr Maham Nasir, 5 months ago

    ◦    SECONDARY 
Pulmanory ( lung CA, cystic fibrosis, ILD, Sarcoidosis)
Cardiac ( cyanotic congenital heart disease, bacterial endocarditis)
Gastrointestinal ( crohns, ulcerative colitis)
Skin ( fischer syndrome)
Malignancies ( thyroid CA , thymoma)

Dr Maham Nasir, 5 months ago

What is differential clubbing?

Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 5 months ago

Differential cyanosis and clubbing occurs due to the right to left shunt across the PDA.
Deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle is preferentially directed into the aorta distal to the left subclavian artery and into the lower extremities.

It is a clue to the diagnosis of Patent Ductus Arteriosus related to Eisenmenger syndrome.

Dr Maham Nasir, 5 months ago

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