Which Beta-Blocker should be preferred in patients with Chronic Liver Disease?
A young female presented in our OPD with marked skeletal stiffness, diarrhea, and weight loss. Her previous laboratory investigations include mild anemia and a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate...
What is Lofgren's syndrome, Mickulicz syndrome & Heerfordt syndrome?
It is reverse S shape sign seen on chest x ray PA view. It is caused by upper lobe collapse due to obstructing upper lobe brochus most likely due to bronchogenic carcinoma. It can also be caused by...
How can we differentiate between primary and secondary polycythemia?
What is the most likely diagnosis if a young person has:
1. Spastic paraparesis ( hypertonia, hyperreflexia, and weakness),
2. impaired sensations with a sensory level of T2,
What is an Austin Flint murmur?
What are the causes of Anasarca?