Medicine Ward Round's Disscussions On Emedz

Beta Blockers Window Period Hypothesis
owner, 3 years ago

Do all patients with chronic liver disease need to be treated with Beta-Blockers?

2 Replies
Hypercalcemia and Renal Failure
owner, 3 years ago

Yesterday, we saw a young male patient who is being investigated for metastatic bone disease. He had severe hypercalcemia and renal failure. How can you lower down his calcium levels?

1 Replies
Enteric fever
Maria, 3 years ago

What is MDR enteric fever and XDR enteric fever?

1 Replies
Maria, 3 years ago

What are the indications of surgery in hyperparathyroidism?

1 Replies
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
owner, 3 years ago

What are the stages of CML (Chronic Myeloid leukemia)?

2 Replies
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
owner, 3 years ago

How do you define partial and complete remission in CML?

  • Clinical remission
  • Cytogenetic Response
  • Moleculare Response

0 Reply
owner, 3 years ago

What are the ultra-short acting insulin?

How rapidly they lower the blood glucose when administered subcuataneously?

1 Replies
Olmesartan unique side effect
Ali Sufyan, 3 years ago

Give unique side effect of Olmesartan not reported with other Angiotensin receptor blockers?

1 Replies
SGLT2 inhibitors
Maria, 3 years ago

What are the indications of usage of sglt2 inhibitors in type 1 diabates?

2 Replies
SGLT2 inhibitors
Maria, 3 years ago

Which sglt2 inhibitor can be used in type1 diabetes?

0 Reply
Respiratory failure
Maria, 3 years ago

What are the signs of impending respiratory failure?


0 Reply
Adrenal insufficency
Maria, 3 years ago

What are the clinical and laboratory differences in primary and secondary adrenal insufficency?

2 Replies
Copd and Air travel
Maria, 3 years ago

A COPD patient wants to travel via air. How can we assess his condition before the travel?

2 Replies
Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

Spirometry: Obstructive vs restrictive lung disease

0 Reply
Bleeding disorders
owner, 2 years ago

What are the differences between hemophilia and von willebrand disease?

1 Replies
Fluid Management
owner, 2 years ago

What percentage of fluid is retained in the intravascular compartment if you infuse the following solutions?

  • 5% Dextrose Water
  • 0.9% Saline
  • 20% Albumin
  • ...

    1 Replies
Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

What is Vonoprazan?

How it differs from H2 Blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors?

2 Replies
Amiodarone and Thyroid diseases
Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

How amiodarone affects the thyroid gland?

What thyroid-related diseases may occur due to prolonged treatment with amiodarone?

1 Replies
Primary Amenorrhea
Maria, 2 years ago

A young female,17yr old presented in opd with primary amenorrhea. On examination patient lacks secondary sexual characteristics.

Labs reveal:

  • Low LH, FSH, estradiol, tes...

    1 Replies
Multiple sclerosis
Maria, 2 years ago

  • What is Devics disease?
  • Whats is lhermitte's sign,Barber chair sign and Uhtoff's phenomenon?
  • What is internuclear ophthalmoplegia?
  • What is one-and-a...

    5 Replies