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Toxic shock syndrome
Author: Dr fatima ali shah, 2 years ago

Toxic shock syndrome is usually due to toxin secreting staphylococci but toxjn producing streptococci has also been implicated.usually associated e nasal packing for more than 48 hrs or tempon usage f...

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Author: Dr.Muhammad Awais Tahir, 2 years ago

from where can we get tablet fludrocortisone? it was prescribed by some renowed physician

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motion sickness
Author: Dr.Muhammad Awais Tahir, 2 years ago

33 year old female known case of retinitis pigmentosa since early childhood, recently diagnosed hyperlipidemia and on statins. developed motion sickness every time she travels anywhere (not only on hi...

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Author: Dr fatima ali shah, 2 years ago

Is there any role of perfenedone if pt has developed pulmonary fibrosis and todays his 45th day of sjmptoms e CT severity scoring of 32/40  on presentarion 40 days ago .currently pt is being on c...

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Weight loss
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

A patient presented with the following symptoms as he quoted: " I am losing weight. Over the last one year, I have lost about 16 kgs. My diet is good. I don't have other symptoms like feve...

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Secondary amenorrhea and weight gain
Author: Dr fatima ali shah, 2 years ago

16 yrd old frmale pt with no previous comorbs presented with C/O secondary amenorrhea , easy fatiguability and weight gain (13kg) for 1 year , hair fall, heat intolerance , sweating, imsomnia, on and...

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Prader willi syndrome
Author: Sania Shafiq, 2 years ago

>14 years old male , student of 9th class presented with c/o polyphagia , weight gain  and aggressive behaviour since 2 years of age. He also had history of  generalized skeletal pains an...

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Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

A 20 years of age female patient, came to the medical OPD for the management of her Diabetes. She was diagnosed with Diabetes 6 months back by her GP when she reported symptoms of polyuria and poly...

7 Replies
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

A young male patient has been admitted with severe COVID-19 infection. He is maintaining oxygen saturaion with 4 litres of oxygen. He was admitted in January 2021 for severe COVID-19 infection and...

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Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

What is Pendred syndrome? 

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covid 19 pneumonia and warfarin
Author: Muhammad Aadil Farooq, 2 years ago

How to manage moderate COVID-19 pneumonia taking warfarin  for valvulare replacement?

4 Replies
CLL staging
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

An elderly male patient was admitted with severe COVID-19 infection. He was previously being treated for CLL. His WBC counts were normal, Hemoglobin was 8 gms/dl, and platelet counts were 78000/...

2 Replies
Multiple sclerosis
Author: Maria, 2 years ago

What is Devics disease? Whats is lhermitte's sign,Barber chair sign and Uhtoff's phenomenon? What is internuclear ophthalmoplegia? What is one-and-a-half syndrome? What is swinging...

5 Replies
Primary Amenorrhea
Author: Maria, 2 years ago

A young female,17yr old presented in opd with primary amenorrhea. On examination patient lacks secondary sexual characteristics. Labs reveal: Low LH, FSH, estradiol, testoterone, normal DHE...

1 Replies
Low Platelet Counts
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

A female patient, who has been diagnosed as a case of ITP, presented in the medical OPD with bleeding gums and menorrhagia. She is on prednisolone 5 mg two tablets twice daily and Eltrombopag (Revo...

3 Replies
Generalized Body Swelling
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

A 20 years of age male patient presented in todays'medical OPD with progressive generalized body swelling for the past one year. Systemic inquiry was unremarkable. Examination including blood p...

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Amiodarone and Thyroid diseases
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

How amiodarone affects the thyroid gland? What thyroid-related diseases may occur due to prolonged treatment with amiodarone?

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Amiodarone and pulmonary fibrosis
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

An elderly patient has been admitted in isolation ward with severe COVID-19 infection. He developed new onset atrial fibrillation for which the cardiologists advised Bisoprolol and Amiodarone. H...

2 Replies
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

How do you formulate treatment regimen for MDR TB?

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Covid-19 Long Haulers?
Author: Dr. Ahmed Farhan, 2 years ago

Who are COVID-19 long haulers? What are the symptoms that may persist after the acute phase of COVID-19 infection?

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